Saturday, July 05, 2008

Updates and more...

Another long hiatus, another neglect! But then, such is life that when one gets better things, one forgets the good ones! Just like I have forgotten my blog. Or not exactly forgotten, but probably put it into the deep recesses of the mind, making it difficult for me to get it out of there.

The update from my life has been good enough. The rendezvous with cricket writing continues to yield good results for me, and I am getting convinced about certain things associated with it by the minute. With the job at Accenture coming around, the writing has happened at a feverish pace, but it has definitely helped me that I have shifted to a house which is exactly six minutes away from my office.

The flip to that obviously is that the next time I bunk office - like is my wont - I would not have the excuse that it seemed so far!

There are indications, that the work would barrage me with its presence in the coming week or so, for now its more of the document reading and self based training. So, its pretty chilled. The cafeterias in the office are humongous and ther are atleast eight different caterers around. I have gone on an experimenting spree and am trying out a new dish every meal, and I can safely vouch for the fact that it would take me a zillion years and more to try every bit on the menu. I hope I stick to the job that long. So far, there have not been too many favourites though.

Getting back to the rented appartment, have shifted in with a couple of guys, one of whom was an acquaintance earlier. Its been fun so far, though I must admit that I have spoilt his habits by making them watch the boring, one-sided cricket matches of the Asia Cup. And post that, we have also had the fortune of viewing a couple of movies on my laptop.

Speaking of which, my lappy seems to be on the last stretch of its life. As if the constant crashing - at the rate of once every couple of hours - was not good enough, it has started to cause me some hair raising experiences; er, its battery lasts for fifteen minutes flat, and once put on the charger, it becomes untouchable with the shocks it emanates! Such is life!

Back to my microcosm called cricket. Yo.