Saturday, February 07, 2009


Some months back, an old 'friend' contacted me. Let me name the 'friend' N. N's life was in a mess. And a bad one at that. It was going round and round, the better half had ceased to become one and N had no clue how to proceed. In the process N had also made some cardinal errors for which N may have had a heavy price to pay; luckily N escaped without issues.

N had been a friend for some time, before N had met up with this not-so-better half. Then, N had ceased to be a friend.

I, along with a couple of other friend, tried being around. We all tried assisting in getting N out of the rut. Surely enough, it took about six months of trying to get N out, but in the end, N did oblige. There were signs that N had begun to realise the futility of the whole thing and that was a beginning.

It was a stressful six months. All of N's tantrums, frustrations and stresses were borne by us; not to mention the whims and fancies at which the temper flew at some of us.

N met up with another better half. The usual happened. N got lost to us.

In the span of one year, N had come back, caused stress and grief - because that was what was happening in N's life - and gone away, because the stress and grief was gone.

N had done it again.

N was the second biggest mistake of my life.