Saturday, August 23, 2008

Arbit thoughts

Lessons/experiences/secrets from the recent past:
1. Getting out of the proverbial jail is always a good thing. However, it is much better, to avoid getting inside it.
2. Some think that pretending to do one good overshadows the one bad they have done. I wonder why. Probably they think that the rest of them are dimwits. Probably.
3. Cricket World Cup years have not been so good so far for me. 1992 saw me have chicken pox, 2003 saw a break-up, and 2007 saw a motley of events that attempted to screw happiness. Attempted only. Did not actually. Of the three, the chicken pox was the worst; the doctor did not allow me to watch the matches as they would aggravate the same. Kuchh bhi man.
4. I love reality shows. How much ever stage managed they are, I do. But I have used my mobile phone to vote out someone only once. It was Rakhee Sawant in the first season of Bigg Boss.
5. Talking of her, my feelings for Ms. Sawant are as lovely as for some of them whom I met in the last couple of years. Lesser said the better though, public channel here and all.
6. Continuing with Ms. Sawant, argggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh....the only reaction that comes to mind.
7. Moving on, it is good to move on. And it is the most difficult thing to do.
8. The worst of times sometimes bring out the best of results. And in more ways of than one. No, I have not copied this from a book on philosophy, a first hand experience talking.
9. I recently was a spectator to an appraisal cycle. I mut say that almost all the people took the whole thing very well.
10. Whatever goes around, comes around. Patience is the key. Someone frustrated yours truly in the month of May because the person did not respond to me. Three months down the line, I became the person's primary requirement. With no hard feelings, I can only say that I could not have been gladder to have spoken to the person. Amazing things in store.
11. Opportunity really comes when one ain't looking. Most do not realise it is an opportunity. Nor did I. I just got lucky.
12. Beyond a certain point, money means nothing.
13. Beyond a certain point, most people also mean nothing.
14. It is time that Sachin Tendulkar thinks about his life after cricket. His body would now be creaking on every movement that he makes. Dude, have you heard of this punctuation called full stop?
15. The same goes for some other cricketers as well.
16. Why is Harshad Warsi not hosting Bigg Boss-II? Shilpa Shetty is good looking and all that, but not half as good as what Messr Warsi was.
17. In case you still don't get it, I dislike Rakhee Sawant from the bottom of heart. They say it is good to have someone so in-your-face so that one does not back-stab. In your face does not mean that you spit in your face and get away, aint it?

Itna-ich for now. Will be back with more in some days.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Too surprised

Second post in two days. I must be kidding.

Rather, today, there is a feeling of vindication. A sense of 'I-told-you-so'. And a sense of high ended irritation about what has actually happened. In the end my perception about this particular person did come out right, only problem being that it does not help me any more and the person has managed to screw up things for some other people.

I can only be thankful that I did not succumb to what one could have at that time, and took the way out.

I would not be too off the mark if I said that this person was the best fake I have seen in my time of existence. Best because it has taken many of us over months and years to realise this. So dear person, you rocked while you could, unfortunately, you managed to rock people's life now. And thats the saddest thing you could. I pity you.

And I pity some others around.

It's all happening

Clearly it looks like I have moved on. That is definitely not the truth. I still miss you and think about you daily. But had no time whatsoever, to talk to you.

My dear blog.

Normally, updating on what is happening in life was a daily activity. But the way the events have shaped up in my life in the last couple of months have ensured that the only time that I could ever deem as free were the eight hours of snooze that I managed through the night. Someone asked me a question. Where had I disappeared.

I said I was in heaven. No, I was alive. Yet, I was there.

In heaven.

Oh, and for that matter, I still am.

Very soon, and I am talking of a period of around an year, or probably even lesser than that, I would have to make a decision. A call. A very tough one at that. Shall see after that.

As for updates, Accenture's good. I would not mind sticking my head out and saying that this was exactly the profile I was aiming for, around two years back, when MBA had just begun. So, it does make me happy. Having said that, the difference in these two years is that things have changed. Drastically. And in more ways than one. I am closer to my dream than I ever was. Ever thought I could be. This latest twist in the tale has been as surprising as an Alfred Hitchcock thriller and has put me in a quandry. A quandry I would want to be in, any day.

For now, its all happening.