Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Random thoughts...and all that

Again, it has been some time. Long time. But this dual nature of occupation, that includes my avocation (GRE word, look it up) swallows up the time without thinking too many times, like a lizard on the wall does to a fly. Or a python to a rabbit. Or someone else to another someone. I forget both the names here. (of the someone)

Not even twice it thinks.

No excuses, and no, frankly, for a change I have not even been lazy.

Talking about the stuff in life, the C-day is coming closer; yes, that is right, the day before the D-day. D-day happens much later. The realisation dawning slowly, but the 'dress-rehersal' before the D-day should tell me how I feel.

Talking of this previous line, I have been asked - as is the people's wont - about how I feel. And I shall reiterate the same that I have, above. Haven't got much chance to let the thinking process to even commence; let alone the hows, whats and the what-ifs of the whole process.

Lately, I have been suffering from a new syndrome. It is called the 'Sleepless Sunday-night Syndrome' or SSS. As the name suggests, SSS strikes on Sundays (with the exception being any other weekday holiday that is followed by a working day), and gets into a debate with my eyes at that exact time when I hit the bed on a Sunday night. It vetos the fundamental rights of sleeping soundly, till much after the stress induced by the realisation that a client-call next day late in the evening would mean really long hours at work push the eyes wide-awake. This forms the input to another syndrome that others know as the Monday Morning Blues (MMB).

For me, the MMB is just an extension of SSS, and can be really damaging in certain scenarios; especially with the kind of role that I need to perform. Anyways...

Oh and yes, today is Diwali. Holiday. Which means that a minor tremor of a variation of SSS may be felt today as well. Luckily, I have had a tiring day, and so, could probably help my cause.
And to end this 'random' piece, there is good news. Had a conversation with a couple of them today, and the list of 'clientele' has been propped up again. November should be good.

Yawn...I am sleepy. Might just not be hit by SSS today.

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