Sunday, July 01, 2007

Mumbai Rains bring families together!

TGIW! Thank God it's Weekend, else, things could just have been lot worse.

That, and now, we know what to expect. A little more than little rain, and we need to feel scared, intimidated, roughed up, and stay at home.

Which is good.

Which is what we did after Friday. See, we have become smarter now. Small matter that, we have already had 3 false alarms before this, and we will continue having 'em till the end of monsoon. After all, work's not everything. The Government also needs to look after our health, and in this day and age, in this time of stress, we need some time to ourselves. The Government realizes this and hence, does nothing of note, and in turn entices us to remain indoors.

Our health's taken care of, Government beating becomes a new stress-buster, and it fosters a concept of family, which we seem to have forgotten today. Full marks to the Government on this one.

Above and below are two of the photos that I managed to capture on my modest digi-cam. This was Mahim, one of the 'non-affected' areas due to rain. I wonder how do the rest of 'em look. How many families remained at home and blessed the guys ruling the city. I am sure many would have.

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