Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's all happening

Clearly it looks like I have moved on. That is definitely not the truth. I still miss you and think about you daily. But had no time whatsoever, to talk to you.

My dear blog.

Normally, updating on what is happening in life was a daily activity. But the way the events have shaped up in my life in the last couple of months have ensured that the only time that I could ever deem as free were the eight hours of snooze that I managed through the night. Someone asked me a question. Where had I disappeared.

I said I was in heaven. No, I was alive. Yet, I was there.

In heaven.

Oh, and for that matter, I still am.

Very soon, and I am talking of a period of around an year, or probably even lesser than that, I would have to make a decision. A call. A very tough one at that. Shall see after that.

As for updates, Accenture's good. I would not mind sticking my head out and saying that this was exactly the profile I was aiming for, around two years back, when MBA had just begun. So, it does make me happy. Having said that, the difference in these two years is that things have changed. Drastically. And in more ways than one. I am closer to my dream than I ever was. Ever thought I could be. This latest twist in the tale has been as surprising as an Alfred Hitchcock thriller and has put me in a quandry. A quandry I would want to be in, any day.

For now, its all happening.


A said...

good to see you back...

Anonymous said...
