Friday, December 12, 2008

another hiatus, another of those occasions when the 'pause' button got pressed for a rather long period of time. and as expected, too much water has passed from under the bridge since the last time i made a mark here. here is what transpired.

1. and i won't even get started on 26th November. it hurts. still.

2. then there was that small matter of almost no longer remaining single. almost. but in another month, that 'almost' would most definitely disappear. sadly.

i did not say that. swear.

3. then, it is the work. the interesting one and the not-so-interesting one. the interesting one continues as is, the not-so-one threatens to stop. so what, one may ask. fret not, i have had the same question. wasn't this what i wanted too. and the form in which it may arrive could very well be termed as what they call, 'blessing-in-disguise'. will have to myself watch this space for more.

4. australia is 8000 km away from india. currently it seems more like 8000 light years. something tells me that for all the criticism that a ricky ponting was meted out with from me on my columns, the aussie embassy looks hell-bent on denying visa. ok, ponting is not as bad as indians made him out to be.

again. i did not say that. swear.

5. spoke with a long-lost classmate of mine from school. the conversation was a long-winding one, through the lanes of the unforgettable and the forgotten, through the recesses of wilderness, and that of embarassments. crushes, loves, crushes that turned into loves, and the ones that failed miserably, the ones that reached the doorsteps and were turned away, the ones that converted itself into brotherly loves, and the ones that sacrificed for a friend; they were all there. the jogging back teased us, and tickled the ribs out till it was time to snooze.

later made an overtly important and startling discovery that the respective better halves have their birthdays within a couple of days of ours. the eureka moment of the conversation.

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