Saturday, November 10, 2007

Why does one do this?

This one has been playing on mind for a long time, and guess this is best place I could get it out. The trigger was obviously the behaviour of one particular personn, and that person's reaction to a situation which would have made anyone happy. Or should I rephrase that as "should have". The incident was a big one, and in all probabilities, a long cherished one, by the person in question.

The initial reaction was that of happiness and joy associated with it, with a tinge of pride, which is pretty normal. After that, the person also thought about the so called negative repercussions to the same. If at all one could term them as that.

And the same came out. The not-so-positive event associated with the incident came to the fore for that person. The person was sad. Not a lot, but enough for me to think about this behaviour. If not the back seat, happiness was no longer in the driver's seat.

And very frankly, I wondered why. Why did the person, and in general, why does the person behave in such a thankless characteristic. I use the word, 'does' here, because, I have observed the person for a reasonable period of time, and I can safely say that, the person belongs to the breed of people who look for negatives even the best of news. And that is what shocks me, surprises me, and makes me question the person.

There are tons of people there, out in the world, who lack the basic - by basic one means, the 'necessities of life' - amenities, who struggle to make their ends meet, and here we have someone, who, come what may, would always end up being the morose self, that the the person is always known for. I really wonder why. Why can't there be some more self contentment, a feeling of being relaxed with the good things, and a capability of seeing the glass, 90% full, rather than 10% empty?

I really wonder why. Feel sad about it.

In the end, I really feel sad.

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