Saturday, February 02, 2008

he was fighting all odds. but he knew he was fighting a losing battle.

each time he drove his sword out, his hand hurt. like crazy.

so did his heart.

it was an abyss that he was falling into. it was a endless pit.

like a quagmire gulping it's victims down.

he felt nothing though. the pain had long ceased to exist.

the self destruction button had been pressed long ago. with full cognizance of the repercussions. and nothing was going to change his decision.


the straws he clutched at, were all long gone. he clutched at thin air after that.

till the realization dawned. the botom 0f the black hole waited.

he waited too.

he wouldnt give up.

not now. not for anything. he had already lost the battle.


Pepper said...

Hi there, nice blog here :-)

Suneer said...

hey Miss Lunacy,

Thanks :-) Do keep reading. Shall read through urs as well, though as I see it can't comment on ur blog?