Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Days gone by...!

Doing stuff that ain't legal gives the thrills. Well, legal, by Indian Penal Code, or by the family's code or by the society's code...or by one's college's code.

Posting this one amidst something 'legal' in college gives the kicks. Kicks about the fact that if I do get caught, it would be give me harder kicks. On my backside.

Have been 10 of my best days, make it a fortnight in fact. A match at Baroda, next up at Wankhede to be rounded off by Brabourne. More importantly, a short, but sweet-n-sour rendezvous with Priyanka, interwined between a couple of B-plans and white papers on either side of it, add a new offer to the whole affair, and what I got is a breathless feeling. And a worried mum, who wonders these days why I act so busy. After she almost thought that my MBA's done much before it actually begun.

There is loads to be said about the past some days, I will highlight only the salient 'features':

a. Priyanka's Googly: Sitting at Wankhede, when I thought that she would crib away to glory for making her watch a meaningless match, after India slumped to 60 odd for 6 wickets, she says, "I get this feeling that India should win this match. Let's not go home, let's watch it till the end." I scoff. India win from this position?

India win. She scoffed at me.

b. Cricket Magazine: Aaah, a small dream come true, an opportunity to write for a cricket magazine. Now, I just hope it gets published! A small baby step in my long term goal. I can afford to pat myself here.

c. Biz Plans: Three Business Plans. One paper. One case study. No time whatsoever. Still I attend college. In the 5th trimester. Weird.

d. Placements and the war: Will only talk about the placements, no wars for now. Less than two months to go, and if the couple of pre placemement talks are anything to go by, IT pay packages are not going to be too enticing. Rupee problem they say. Or is it brand dilution? We will soon have the answers. A couple of months or more.

e. Brokerage Agent?: That's what I get called for helping friends with cricket match tickets. Damn, I am hurt. Alrite, just kidding.

f. India versus Pakistan: Waiting. Desperately. Been long since I watched cricket. Almost twenty four hours.

Alrite...need to end this abruptly, the second variety of kick seems coming my way.


Peeya said...

See....there is something about my intutuion! U didnt mention the fact that I even predicted a win for India during the Natwest finals! this prediction was not a fluke baby! a series of previous success stories.

Mere Mortals said...

Must say the T20 format has me hooked as well..or maybe it was just the victory :)...So will visit here more often now
U'll be pleased to know the game is kinda growing on me...I dont abhor it any more;)