Thursday, October 25, 2007

A mid term review of my new year resolution

This was a post I had put up at the end of the first year of my MBA life. A resolution of sorts. As they say, it is a time for the periodic review, one and a half trimesters into the second year.

1. To begin with, I would need to show a little more interest in a couple of things that I wish to learn. Could begin with all the features of that wonderful tool called MS Excel. Capital Markets would be another one. Probably Six Sigma - showed interest, a little more than earlier, but, not as much as I should have. For now, need to grasp certain things on excel before the all important placements.

2. Would need to start dozing off less in the class. It’s a bloody expensive habit. Costs about 150 bucks per hour to sleep (without considering the Time Value of money that is!) Or to learn some thing. Should reduce my sleeping time and start learning! - Stopped dozing off in the class. That is because, I started sleeping more at home, not giving any chance of attending too many lectures.

3. Try waking up for the 9oclock lectures daily. Alrite, make that thrice a week atleast. - had only one 9oclock lecture. So, this is a 'Not Applicable' clause. Will try it out in the 5th trimester.

4. Pray that there are no 9oclock lectures! - Followed this to the hilt. Religiously. Was successfull in my prayers. Result is that I have become more pious than before.

5. Try carrying my own pen and notebook to college daily. Ok, atleast 3-4 times a week! Some people have suffered bad because of this habit! - did this whenever I went to college. The word 'whenever' assumes huge importance.

6. Write some B-Plans. Long time dream this. Would do no harm to the resume as well - Yes. One success at last. Three B-plans and one paper written so far. Need to up the ante, and change the clause to reach the finals in at least one contest. Reason: Same as before.

7. Start working on my Resume, adding all those small things that I may want to put down. - err, have sent in a rough draft, in the process of adding all those 'small' points. Some are too small to be added.

8. Reduce the Auto travel to and from home. Bloody expensive habit again! - :-( :-(

9. Start gassing in ppts. Woefully fall short of doing that. Need to take help from the James Andersons of our class. Or were they Warren Andersons. Blame it on the World Cup! I went the other way, stopped talking in ppts. The only ppt I gave was for my M&M PPI. DO NOT want to make, what happened, public.

10. Visit the NMIMS library more often, to read it’s books, that is. Actually, for that matter, read more non fiction. - Nopes, didnt read any books, fiction or non fiction. Still got time to improve.

11. Start exercising/gymming (this refers to the point 3 above, if I wake up early, why not exercise as well, haina?) - Sorry? What is that?

12. Continue blogging. An awesome habit, especially if you wanna relax and can’t get things out otherwise! And most especially if you enjoy writing and don’t wanna be “anonymously judged” about your writings! - Oh yes, have not given up on this, writers' block notwithstanding. Feel good about it.

13. Start playing Cricket again, at least on a weekly basis, lost touch big time, as was evident in the recently concluded World Cup (!!) - Lasted just two days, sprained my ankle on the first, bled on the second. That was the end of that. Sheer Laziness.

14. Above all, Let Bygones be Bygones. Cannot change things. Try enjoying college more. It ain’t that bad, is it? Surprised myself here. Pleasantly at that, selective alrite, but showed great will power here. Probably because I think strongly about the issues, but gives me loads of pleasure. Best one and a half trimesters so far. Life's Good!

P.S. 15. Improve my sense of humor? So that I get associated with Tigers and not Cobras!!! (alrite, that’s another bad one…cannot reduce my fan following this way!!) - No comments.

P.P.S. Ensure I succeed in at least five of the above! Lemme see, I think the count stands at 7. Which is a rating 'Above Expectations' Way to go!


A said...

HAHAHAHA, Hillarious! all the best and keep up the good work!

Peeya said...
