Thursday, October 04, 2007

Do we faffer that bad?

So I had my first pre placement talk given to me today. At the end of it all, I wondered.

I wondered about all the presentations that I have been a part of, not as a recipient, but as a participant, as a speaker. Did I gas so much ever? Could not recall one. In fact, I am a black spot in the name of MBAs, hardly faffer around in my ppts.

But what happened today, was the purest form of gas, that got released, not only as a by product of the experiment that the company tried on us, but as the main one. It stank. Awfully bad at that.

At the end of one hour of a continuous and a liberal distribution of gyaan, here is an excerpt from the Q and A session:

Q. Sir, what is the renumeration?
(No answer, conveniently moved on to the next question.)

Q. Sir, what is the difference in the pay packages of a lateral and a fresher?
Yeah, there would a difference.

(Yeah, that we all know, we asked for a number, a figure so that we could feel good, satiate our ego of having a three or four year work experience.)

Q. So sir, what is the pay package at the base level?
We will decide on that as we go along.

(go along? where? we would be gone, long time before that saar)

Q. What is the profile you would be offering us?
Anything of your choice, any vertical, any horizontal, any....anything

Q. So, could we apply for any domain if we wanted a BA profile?
Anything you want.

(yawnnn, should we come for the interview, or would you want to directly meet us on the date-of-joining)

Q. And what about the location?
We have presence in more than 50 countries, it could be any place.

(now, we cannot even meet you directly, don't even know where to meet, plzz tell us something, anything?)

Q. Sir.....
Now lets all watch a video...come on...

Lights get switched off. Video begins.

It ends soon.

We wake up around the same time as well.

I am still wondering about my presentations. And the QA session that generally follows it.


A said...

Was it this bad? poor u... don't lose hopes, this was the first one, there are more and better ones to come :-)

Peeya said...

Verrry cute!!!:)