Thursday, January 24, 2008

ek do teen chaar....bandh karo yeh atyaachaar

some find it nostalgic. others find it a good riddance.

people like me.

last paper tomorrow. strategic management. 2 years of mba and now we are being told about it. about strategic mgt. it seems. my attendance for this one was 2 classes out of a possible 10. i came for the first one. and then for a presentation, the last one.


that is that. and that is asuming i pass all exams, that should be the end of that.

last exam for a long long time i think. probably forever. bloody good riddance.

exams have always been a pain in you-know-where. especially for me. lost my touch with studying for a purpose as vital as this.

filling up supplements. so it was 6 for the most unreasonable and ridiculous subjects of all.

they call it economics.

where assumptions invade the recesses of one's mind like none other. every assumption has a zillion further asumptions. half one's answer sheet is filled with these zillion and one assumptions. which in a way is good, because otherwise i have no clue what i would have written. atleast writing assumptions makes you feel good and brainy. not that im not.

but still.

another subject i couldnt fathom was statistics. no, dont get me wrong. i like maths and all. i can boast of my scores in maths never leaving the vicinity of a 99% in any of my exams. but statistics in here is equivalent to eating as many numbers as one could in a span of 6 hours before the exam and then vomitting it out.

question bank of 100 odd questions in stats. learn all the answers. you score a cent percent. else you are a two point someone like me.

the story is pretty much the same with many electives in many of the trimesters.

another one. beyond erp. which is alrite, till you realise that before you go beyond yonderness, you havent had a subject called erp. but the good thing is again, anything inexplicable in the subject could be attributed to it being beyond.

beyond the scope of the syllabus that is.

they call it mba.

and they are nostalgic about the end of the same. as if they would have loved the same to continue for the next 24 years. or 124 for that matter.

my foot. bloody bull.

good riddance i tell you.


A said...

u've been tagged... hehehehe....

Solitaire said...

You sound burnt out!

Suneer said...

yeah, burnt out of doing nothing for two years, a honeymoon gone for too too long