Monday, January 28, 2008

Last day and cold, cold Mumbai.

Had been wanting to post this and get it out of the system.

The moment has passed now. But still.

I am done with that evil called class examinations. Below are couple of my pictures from the last day, a quietly memorable one.

This one was taken just a minute before I left for the exam. Naah, I am not that stone faced. Its just that it was 25th January, the second day of the 4th Test, had woken up at 5.30 in the morning. This was around 10ish, I was zonked, zleepy and zacked.

And I had an exam to take. What can one expect.

This one was at a dinner with Priyesh and Sankalp. No, don't get fooled by their attire, it wasn't the Arctic, where we had our meal. It was a chilly evening in Mumbai itself.

Me on the other hand, was 'warming up' without anything but a tee, for my excursion to Chandigarh. I am not sure though, whether warming up would be the right phrase, where I hear that the temperature's decided to nose dive and send people's noses running. Bad Joke.

And that brings me to Mumbai's temperature. Time to eat my words.

Long time back, a friend, who had been bearing the Mumbai heat for some months got fed up, and asked me in utter exasperation. When do you guys have winter?

I looked blankly at my friend and said, "Winter in Mumbai is defined as that season when you sweat lesser than Summer."

This could be termed true of this city for a long time now, where Winters and cold made only a fleeting presence. This time it is totally different. The last I heard was that the mercury had come closest to touching ground in forty five years. 10. point something.

Surprises never cease. I wonder whether global warming had anything to do with it, probably it could be rechristened as Global Cooling, especially for Mumbaikars. Second Bad Joke of the post.

Need to end this here and now.


Fighter Jet said...

OOh!..Bomaby too has Winter :)
never heard of such thing..or is the Global warming for real...changing the climate patterns ???

...and thanks for tagging...but need I answer it again:(

the naswer will be same more or less :)

A said...

tujhe bhi thandi lagti hai? tu to HOT hai phir bhi?????hehehehe...

Solitaire said...

I truly think there is some sort of global cooling going on. We are living in ten degrees farenheit everyday and its getting unbearable!

Suneer said...

@fighter jet: Yeah, surprise surprise! Heard of people making bonfires in the night n rubbing themselves away to glory! Each morning I need to pinch myself :-)

@anjuli: (blush, blush): fattkey!

@solitaire: Yeah, and tomorrow I leave for the North, Delhi to Chandigarh to Simla/Kausauli! Odds on me making it back from there? Not too good :-)