Monday, April 07, 2008

So after the weekend was spent - and so was I - in finishing the freelance assignment, the day looks much sunnier than the last two. That is because, I did not get out of my room then. Anyways, I am done!


The date of joining either the company has not yet been informed, same is the case with location. With all due respects to other people, I really hope it is NOT anything apart Mumbai or Pune, and with Pune not been one of the options, that leaves out only Mumbai. There were talks of being sent to Chennai as well, and that would be nothing short of disaster. Not because of the usual parameters one associates with the city, just that it is too far from home...too too far! And with the personal issues of being that far for something that pays equal to being at home, I would definitely prefer home.


So today, Mumbai celebrates the No-Honking day. Or is it the whole of India, am not sure. The point here been - and I talk Mumbai specifically - that the incessant noise that one hears on the streets, is not only due to honking. It can be heard each time we celebrate a festival like Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali or likes, every time, we express our happiness when the Indian team wins, every time a politician wants to address huge rallies at a Shivaji Park, each time a marriage procession wants to show us how happy they are, and yes, every time, the road is so messed up, that one's gut and the rest of the anatomy wants to travel places inside one's body, and the traffic in the city allows you to walk at a faster pace than you drive...

The problem is much more deep rooted than just that. And as I see it, has no solution to it. A no-honking day is not even a patch that one's trying to apply, it's a sham. Probably sounds a little more harsh, and cynical, but I really do not see the point. Probably someone else would.


Anonymous said...

well abt the place.. well :)

cant help it can we.
Its all on yu :)

then abt the not honking day. At least smeone is trying to make a difference.. if the problem is deep-rooted and u understand it... y dnt yu cme out and help people like me understand?

everytime we.. do whatever.. we make noise.

yess! we donot follow traffic rules.

we never stop to thik b4 honking.. to see if it is hospital or a plce of worship or a institution of kids.

we never think.. if smeone is trying to make us think... what harm itis.

a tiny drop made the ocean.. it is said.. such small things.. might not a make .000001% in our days.. will help us analyze and see.. where we e heading to.

just my take.

well i have no problem in cynicism.. if it is constructive... if someone is trying to make a difference... I well would like to make that microscopical difference.. than not try at all.


Hope you dnt honk today.. I wont either. :)

Suneer said...

That is my precise problem, there will be a loads of money, time and energy spent on making that .000001% difference for a day, when - as you say - would stop and think. And then, once the day goes by, the thinking stops and the original us take over.

My point is simple, instead of this, and I still call it sham, there should be a stringent law, and a more strict execution of the same that should take place. If there is an area which is a no-honking zone and if one honks, one pays the fine. The issue with this again is that of corrupt police officials who would be interested in making money. Personally, I don't think that is a problem, if instead of paying a 500 bucks fine you end up paying a 100 to the corrupt man, you would still feel the pinch, and may....just may go some distance in stopping you from repeating the error.

That is my precise problem, there will be a loads of money, time and energy spent on making that .000001% difference for a day, when - as you say - would stop and think. And then, once the day goes by, the thinking stops and the original us take over.

My point is simple, instead of this, and I still call it sham, there should be a stringent law, and a more strict execution of the same that should take place. If there is an area which is a no-honking zone and if one honks, one pays the fine. The issue with this again is that of corrupt police officials who would be interested in making money. Personally, I don't think that is a problem, if instead of paying a 500 bucks fine you end up paying a 100 to the corrupt man, you would still feel the pinch, and may....just may go some distance in stopping you from repeating the error.

Talking of the other sources of noises, why should festivals like Diwali and Ganpati be allowed to be to celebrated like the way they are? And this is not just about the noise aspect, I dont know whether you been to Mumbai, but on Ganpati days, the traffic is choc-abloc, with no opportunity to wade through. God forbid someone's in an ambulance wanting a way out, on a noiseless road, but what one gets in return? Someone celebrating away to glory with no respect to the rest. The same goes with Diwali, where the noise is deafening from 10 in the night to the next morning. There is a strict law that prohibits the same, but the execution is zilch.

The harm is simple, there is a lot of money and time and energy spent, for almost nothing. Instead if some more could be done on researching, and proving it in the assemblies and parliament about the harm, and then creating laws which prohibit things from happening, there may be partial success for it.

I have bought no car, because I dont believe in adding to the already existing burden on this city. Plus I dont think I can afford one currently ;-) So, no pollution and a no honk day for me, as it has been for the last so many years!

Anonymous said...

Well, i get yur point totally. the problem as u say is with the traffic police.. y dnt we have smething like what they have in US.. dan.. there people think twice b4 breaking rule s:-|

well.. Diwali.. ohh so much noise pollution.. i think there shud be a limit.. to hw many crackers.. we shud be using.. etc... but it is a democracy right? we will have people.. frm sme party.. doin dharna already!

i dnt knw... hw things r gonna cange.. but all this makes me feel.. all the more convinced that i shud be the Prime Minister :D
or smeone.. who can sme decisions.. damn!

ohh well.. thanks for sharing yur views :)

i totally respect it.. we
both think alike in a way ;)