Friday, January 11, 2008

Matter of time

There are days which you dread, days you know you could do without, and you know that before hand. The only option then, is to grit your teeth, endure the mental agony, and try to immunise oneself from the scenario, till it passes. Whenever it passes.

There have been days when I haven't been able to achieve this. There have been others when I have been oblivious to it all. But being bull headed is obviously not an easy task at the best of times, and at adverse occasions like these, it becomes even tougher.

The toughest test of endurance arises when it is an abyss, a chasm, that one is staring into. It may last for eternity. It may not. But the wait continues. And waiting for the same to conclude, without knowing when. Some give in very early, some do not. Some still end up losing after not giving up early, and some endure to pass out the time - which they know is going to be long - knowing very well that come what may, they have nothing in it for them.

My gritting has begun. I shall see through this one I am sure. Its the matter of time.

Just some time.


A said...

u okay? hua kya?

Suneer said...

ajee bhraajee, assi changey jee!
dontcha worry :-)

Solitaire said...

So how did the day go?

Suneer said...

@Solitaire: The day went pretty much ok, saw thru it. Surprisingly, unscathed.

The bigger test is over the period of next coupla months. Think should go alrite!

Fighter Jet said...

"This shalt also pass away"

said a monk,to the distressed king
who was having bad time in his life.Its a wonderful theme to contemplate upon.Time changes..and so does the miseries.just need to keep griting the teeth ,a second more than the normal ones..and lo..there you of all troubles .

enough gyan :)