Saturday, April 19, 2008

And then there were none...

The electronic and the electrical appliances in my house seem to have found a funny method of mocking the living daylights out of me. In the last couple of days that is.

First it was the turn of my laptop. Quite simply, it protests. every four to six hours that it. And it also believes in silent protests. It goes silent, by shutting down automatically. Without any heed to what I may be doing. Kuchh bol bhi nahi sakte usko.

The it is the turn of my Internet. Fluctuates like a moody man. (I have deliberately kept the word woman out of this, simply because I do not want any brickbats, and want to keep the mood light!). So, while there are occasions when it's slow and steady in speed, there are also others when it refuses to allow me to do stuff online. Wicked, wicked guy. Does not know how important it is to me. Or probably knows it a little too well.

Next up is the Television Cable. we have a set top box. That has started working like MS Windows. Had to restart the set top box, again and again. Till before I switched my TV off. I can still watch him show me the mocking finger. Grrrr....

Last may, there is the fan, which got filled with water due to the overhead construction work. So it refuses to work. As if getting wet in that water made it sick with cold. And even if it did, doesn't it know that if it works, it will dry itself too? Idiot I tell you.

I was actually searching around, as to what are the rest of things which could prove a little troublesome in the near future. Kaun jaaney.

And yeah, there is a huge difference between an electrical and an electronic item. This was one of my viva questions back in Engineering days, and let me assure you all, I still have no clue about the technical difference. Something related to electrons and electricity.

But hey, engineering got done some light years back. So, it is ok...

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Anonymous said...
