Thursday, April 03, 2008

People usually know when they have messed up something. They realise on most occasions that it could be attributed to themselves, whatever has been screwed up.

And sometimes, they dont.

I have screwed up on a couple of issues, big time. There was a past relationship, that could have been handled better, and there were a couple of other things that I think, though not entirely my wrong doing, could have been cooked better.

And then there were some behaviours that leave me as stunned as a kid in a dance bar - to use one of the Siddhuisms. These are those who exhibit a complete disregard for anything apart from the first two words of the title of this blog, and most of the times it is at the expense of something and more importantly, someone, else.

In the last one year or so, I have encountered certain such people, who have been difficult to fathom allright. Not that it is necessary to try, but it is human nature to reason out the whys and hows of anything, and what better place than this to do so. Because the only other option would have been to pay the people back in the same coin, act and stoop as low 'em and get even. And no, its just that I dislike confrontations, and from prior experiences these confrontations just turn into ugly, verbal slanging matches, with the person with a better dose of sarcasm feeling vindicated.

The point rarely, if ever, reaches through to the other person. At least, being silent over the whole issue, may just give a small food for thought about the whole issue. Not that it changes the mindsets of people, and I dont have any great illusions of that either, but adding fuel to the fire is a charade in futility.

The only flip to this kind of silence is that it could very well be perceived as one's weakness, and that is as far from truth as Anu Malik from originality. Or Rakhee Sawant from decency.

Patience and endurance, post the event, is usually not a sign of any weakness, it is a sad resignation to the fate that one grossly misjudged a person.

I did so. Like never before.

Learnt it the hard way. Again, no better way to learn too. I am really sorry that destiny made me ever encounter such people, but it was a learning curve all the way. A hard one at that.

1 comment:

A said...

I have still not learnt it, but I guess will surely learn it one day!