Monday, April 23, 2007

The "New Year" Resolutions!

That is the end of that. One long year, and in more ways than one, a very happening year draws to a close tomorrow. Wouldn’t have thought it would have ended like this, but it’s ended all the same. Every end cannot be a Fairy Tale Ending, a-la Bollywood! It’s been one hell of an year, especially the third trimester. Learnt some valuable “Lessons”. More on the “lessons” sometimes else.

For this is dedicated to some of the things that need to change next year!

1. To begin with, I would need to show a little more interest in a couple of things that I wish to learn. Could begin with all the features of that wonderful tool called MS Excel. Capital Markets would be another one. Probably Six Sigma!

2. Would need to start dozing off less in the class. It’s a bloody expensive habit. Costs about 150 bucks per hour to sleep (without considering the Time Value of money that is!) Or to learn some thing. Should reduce my sleeping time and start learning!

3. Try waking up for the 9oclock lectures daily. Alrite, make that thrice a week atleast.

4. Pray that there are no 9oclock lectures!

5. Try carrying my own pen and notebook to college daily. Ok, atleast 3-4 times a week! Some people have suffered bad because of this habit!

6. Write some B-Plans. Long time dream this. Would do no harm to the resume as well

7. Start working on my Resume, adding all those small things that I may want to put down.

8. Reduce the Auto travel to and from home. Bloody expensive habit again!

9. Start gassing in ppts. Woefully fall short of doing that. Need to take help from the James Andersons of our class. Or were they Warren Andersons. Blame it on the World Cup!

10. Visit the NMIMS library more often, to read it’s books, that is. Actually, for that matter, read more non fiction.

11. Start exercising/gymming (this refers to the point 3 above, if I wake up early, why not exercise as well, haina?)

12. Continue blogging. An awesome habit, especially if you wanna relax and can’t get things out otherwise! And most especially if you enjoy writing and don’t wanna be “anonymously judged” about your writings!

13. Start playing Cricket again, at least on a weekly basis, lost touch big time, as was evident in the recently concluded World Cup (!!)

14. Above all, Let Bygones be Bygones. Cannot change things. Try enjoying college more. It ain’t that bad, is it?

P.S. 15. Improve my sense of humor? So that I get associated with Tigers and not Cobras!!! (alrite, that’s another bad one…cannot reduce my fan following this way!!)

P.P.S. Ensure I succeed in at least five of the above!

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