Friday, August 03, 2007

The last couple of days

It has been two days of exhaustive project work, that has been rewarded with the satisfaction of being able to come up with a product that I can proudly claim to be one of the best I have been involved in. Seriously. And yeah, that also speaks volumes about my apparent dedication to previous projects.

Exhaustive and exhausting as well. Sleep was at a premium, what with me dozing off while having dinner a couple of night back. No bolt of hyperbole this, mum had gone to get something from the kitchen, and I rolled off with the plate in my hand. Obviously, some part of me was extemely tired.

In fact, the same trend continued last night, with me having to stretch to the last ounce of my reserves, to get the thing done, and by that time, it had also stretched into the wee hours of the morning. Sleep happened for a couple of hours again, and I was up even before the owls went off to sleep. Or the roosters started crowing. Or the milkman delivered his stuff and the newspaper guy delivered his.

Woke up at seven to get to the lecture.

Lecture was alrite, but the better part was the meeting with a friend after almost four long years. Lots of water has flowed since (under the bridge and in the Mumbai city as well), loads of owls have slept off, lots of roosters have crowed, but, it was a fantastic experience reliving those days with the friend. Oh for that nostalgia of sitting in that same Barista where we sat today, about four years back with many others, and sipping on coffee with the hard saved 'pocket money' that was garnered over a period of seven days. Also the place where we (the college gang and me), amongst others, discussed our infatuations, or 'crushes' as they are better known, in and outside college.

The same place where we did not only go for coffee. But - as they cry hoarse in any marketing lecture - went for the experience. The experience of feeling the cool of the Air Conditioner (yeah well, the Mumbai weather teaches you to do that) to the warmth of the friends of the "we-are-just-friends" category was all there, lost somewhere, hidden amongst the flavour of a cool glass of a choco-caramel frappe.

The experience was an amazing one.

It was much more than just amazing. It was undescribable.

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