Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Day at M&M...

My worst fears came true today. I had to report to the Kandivili office. Such a pain. Not only figuratively, literally as well. In all parts of the body. Back was the first to go. Thighs followed next. I am so creaky from the train journey I had, that feel like taking a 2 month sabbatical. Well, if wishes were horses, I would definitely be riding on one 'em!

Actually Kandivili by itself, wasn't that bad. Travelling is a pain, but not as big a pain as when you gotto report to 2 offices at the same time. Yeah, that is what happened. Reported to the Blue Gate. Then was taken to the now-famous Yellow gate. Spent some time gathering requirements. Then waiting. Then talking to another guy. Then waiting. Then lunch and back to the Green Gate..sorry, Blue Gate. Then to the Yellow gate for another session. Then had to call up a guy for an appointment. He had no time for dibbly-dobbly summer trainees like me. No appointment. Then back to Green Gate.
A Bag on my shoulder. Sun on the head. Heat around. Humidity omnipresent and omnipotent.
Fortunate part: Bag was without a laptop.
Unfortunate part: It weighs as much as my laptop.
Result: Broken Back. Exhaustion. Fatigue. And all those words that you can think of. Better knowledge about Supply Chain Management.

The day ended with another meeting. But, this time, it was a better one. Much better than the previous ones. Met up with the NMIMS guys, starters at MacDonalds, dinner attempt at Urban Tadka, dinner at Moghul Sarai, ice creams at Saaranch! In the end, catching up with ol' times (7 day old as well!), is an awesome feeling. Especially at the end of an exhausting day.

Tomorrow will be another day. Another visit to Yonderland (read, Kandivili), without my boss, or neone else. Would be on field. Alone.
Sounds fun. Yeah rite.

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