Friday, May 04, 2007

The Summers Begin (in Mumbai and in Mahindra!)

2 days of Induction and it’s already so exhausting. Probably it is the Mumbai Summer. Probably it is just because it is Induction. Probably things will be better when the Project actually begins. Hope floats.

Tiring it may be, for whatever reasons, this has been one of the better inductions I have attended. Better than the previous two jobs. I don’t exactly know the reason why, but what I am guessing here is, that I had some background with the domain. And have worked on a Mahindra Project earlier. Probably.

So, it began yesterday with a sweet HR-in-charge giving us a brief overview on what’s to follow (cannot afford to not put that “sweet”!!). Won’t bore you with too many details, just that MM is a huge conglomerate of around 60 companies, and there were around 5 people talking about their core businesses. Most of ‘em made sense. Or to put it the other way around, I understood what most of them said. Fortunately, I was not that sleepy as I am in the classroom. Probably, because there were many biscuits offered along with the tea (which incidentally I did not have!).

Some of my “colleagues” are from NMIMS itself. Some are from IMT and others from IIT. (I forget some other colleges). Surprisingly no one from the Big Institutes so far. None from the IIMs. Sad! All in all, a nice motley of people, would love to know ‘em better. Unfortunately, MM has too many buildings, and there is a huge tendency to get lost, even when you are in one building. Don’t really know whether I would meet them again. Wish I do!

Coming back to my induction process of yesterday, the best session was undoubtedly on Mahindra Real Estate, or Mahindra Gesco as they call it. Could relate to many of the speakings of the man-in-charge, one Mr. Vijayan, and the way he delivered it, was simple and lucid as well. I got a couple of real estate stocks in my portfolio, and the insights that I got from that session were wonderful. Very, very helpful.

It ended with me meeting my Project Guide, Mr. Suhas, and our super senior, Ms. Taj, and discussing my project with them. The profile seems good, the job description would be something of a Business Analyst. Should be good work, should be tough work. I hope I am not lost on the same, but the rustiness would definitely be there, need to get the cobwebs off as soon as possible. Overall, it sounded interesting. Waiting for Monday. Eagerly!

Today was another story. A Plant visit to Kandivili at 2 p.m. Grrrrrrr!!! Why Kandivili? Which is like a million light years away from home. And to top it all, 2 p.m.? 36 degree celcius and almost 100% humidity does not make for loads of fun while traveling. And to add to all of this, I did what I am so famous(???) for. Got to the wrong Mahindra office. As I had already mentioned, it many offices in Kandivili itself, and I got to the one which had a yellow gate, rather the one that should have had a green gate! (whatever that is!) Not that it’s not happened before, but this time, it wasn’t my fault. Actually, it wasn’t totally my fault. Just a little, the auto guy took me to the wrong building! Probably the Mumbai heat got to him as well. Anyways, panted my way to the “real” office, jut at the nick of time. And then began the Plant visit. One word to describe it. Tiring! And another one, Noisy! So even as I write this, I almost feel like dozing off. Which I will. Soon. Just to end this, am not going in with any mind sets or pre conceived notions. Just want to do my job, and enjoy it. Bottom line is the enjoyment part. Never really understood the concept of “Work Hard, Party Harder”. May try to understand it this time. If not “harder”, at least hard enough for it to be drilled into me!

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