Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Weekend that went a Full Circle...

They say that ‘Life comes a full circle’. I can say that about my last couple of days.

With so much anticipation and expectation out of the weekend, I could be pardoned for getting a wee bit excited. Getting carried away. Penning down posts about what I could do over the weekend. And then getting so lost in ‘em, that I fall in love with motor bikes. Motor Bikes ridden by others. Especially when I am on verge of crossing roads.

Yeah, the chain of events happened like this. I updated my blog with the previous article in anticipation of what I need to cover the weekend. Got out of the office and tried crossing the road. No where was it mentioned that the road was owned by me. Or my dad. Or for that matter, by any of my forefathers. Yet, I forgot the basic rule of traffic. On a two-way road, the traffic comes from both sides.

Bang! I was hit. Sent sprawling by a bike. Fortunately, it was not a car. Or a bus. Or even an aeroplane. Could have been much worse than now. At least I can write now. Had plans to play cricket as well. Unfortunately, the body just did not respond. But all that for later, as this “accident” happened, as I obeyed the rules of Newton’s law of Motion, as I realized that I needed help to get myself on my feet, I also realized that all the weekend plans could go take a break. The plans were all getting screwed. Little did I realize that it was one of the better Saturdays I had for some time now!

The earlier plans were for either catching a flick with NP and Deepshikha, or meeting up with the Mastek Gang. But I hadn’t bargained for doing both. That is precisely what happened. An afternoon of ‘Cheeni Kum’ followed by the rendezvous with Mayur, Reena, Shravan, Tanmay and Deepmala (Beside the point, but, that makes me realize that, I met both the Deeps today!). Cheeni Kum was a good one, the sarcastic, humor laced conversation between Amitabh Bachhan and Tabu were pretty reminiscent of what one generally finds in John Grisham novels, similarly, those between Amitabh and the little girl “Sexy” reminded us of our own. Some may not enjoy the concept of a 64 year old guy marrying a female half his age, but then, even if someone falls in that category, one can go and watch it for its subtle humor. Though, I do not know, whether that humor would appeal to the masses. Only time will tell.

All said and done, the humor definitely appealed to me and DS, and “poor” NP tried to feign helpless (I can assure you she would have enjoyed the jokes as much, or more than us!!!).

The meeting with the Mastek Gang was like a Jigsaw puzzle, with different pieces yet to be assembled! The first in line was Mayur, to be followed by Reena and Tanmay. As soon as we became four, we became three. Mayur left us. Some other commitments! We were then joined by Shravan, but then Reena made her exit. And then finally, Deep joined us (remember, this Deep should not be confused with the Deep of the “My Jokes are the best” fame, that is Deepshikha, this is Deepmala), for us to make way to this restaurant in Bandra, Out of the Blues. A decent place, but a bit crowded for the kind of prices put up. And the food was a bit on the bland side. But all in all, an enjoyable experience. Especially, the debate between the IIM-L “Alumni-ever-since-he-was-born” Shravan, and Deepmala. The topic was, “Should guys look at other girls when they are with their own girl?” Needless to say who was supporting which side of the debate. No proper conclusions reached but the purview of the discussion included the social needs of man to the evolution of mankind, followed by a biology lesson by Shravan on testertone levels of guys, and the counter argument by Deep, on why looking at a celebrity is different from looking at a person in flesh, to quips by Tanmay (“BUT I DID NOT LOOK AT ANY GIRL”)…I had dozed off in the middle, but when I woke up, the debate had almost reached Unparliamentary levels (or probably, Parliamentary Levels!). And then, dinner was served. Luckily.

The day ended pretty late, by which time, my back was beginning to show the effects of my rendezvous with the Motor Bike. The bones ached. The antidote though was the awesome day that had just passed by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know it wasn't supposed to be like a humorous post...especially the accident part...but seriously cudnt help laffing wen I read dis line-"Yet, I forgot the basic rule of traffic. On a two-way road, the traffic comes from both sides"....sooooo cute!!-CP