Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Weekend that was...

I was going through my personal accounts for the last month. And boy, have I spent or have I spent! It’s been a crazy month for sure, and the kind of parties/treats/shopping sprees that I got involved in (financially or otherwise) has been mind-boggling. Actually seems like I have got placed in a fine multi national firm. With a 7 digit pay package. Time to apply brakes, or I may end up going broke! Seriously. The Bank Balance is dwindling even as I type!

So, decided to rest this weekend. Rest myself and my wallet. No traveling, no meeting people (I admit, that this was also forced by the fact that a couple of people backed out of a plan at the very eleventh hour!). Spend time at home and watch the rains. Err, rains in Bangladesh. Yeah, the last ray of hope that was, the cricket match between India and Bangladesh also proving to be a damp squib. Literally.

Uncle paid a surprise visit, and it was interesting, discussing the current scenario of the Indian Stock market and about the various shares that could be bought. But, more on the stock market later. Started with this Robert Ludlum book, The Bancroft Strategy (had actually forgotten its name, had to refer back!), and though it is a decently fast paced fiction, there is some thing about the book that’s bothering me. I think it is a combination of two things, one, the font size is minute, and so, reading, as well as skimming through pages is getting difficult. Secondly, there is an involvement of many nations within the sub-plots, and I sometimes keep getting lost there! But, there is a long way to go, and in a way, it is good that I don’t finish off this book in a day or two, and then go about leaking my wallet for another one. Remember, it is a wallet-resting week! Unless of course….you never know!

Last, but not the least, let me talk about my “Achievement of the Week”. I walked all the way upto Shivaji Park, from home! And, before the critics react, I would like to remind you, ever since I stopped playing cricket, Laziness has cast it’s magic spell on me. So, walking across to buy grocery is the best I normally manage, this easily takes the cake! Like one small step by man, becoming a huge leap for man kind. Here though, the man and the man kind, is both me! The Limbs still ache though.

A Jacuzzi would be nice!

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