Saturday, March 08, 2008

An Anniversary to remember and....forget

The life's returning back to college. Yeah, it is, I can sense it. I can feel it.

I can smell it.

The gtalk messenger is buzzing with a lot more people than it was, in the last few days. There are more regular updates on Orkuts. Especially in the album section. Post-placement excursions have made this section for an interesting viewing. And yeah, I have been remembered by a couple of them as well.


How things change, same time last year, I was going through one of my worst phases of life. This blog would have had direct and indirect references to the same. To put it mildly, I was struggling. I needed someone, or probably something that would act as a trigger to stabilise things. The free fall was worse than ones witnessed by the Indian stock markets. Some 'apparently' reliable people had left - me high and dry if I could add - and expecting too much out of the rest was akin to expecting Sidhu to shut his trap in a debate competition.

The abyss almost seemed never ending, when I got my first trigger. Oh well, the tipping point had to be an atrocious one, which got me thinking. The hard facts that I had been pushing under the carpet for so long had to be tackled with. In the toughest possible manner. Tried. Failed. Tried again. Got a little success. Felt better.

Though I had taken such decisions earlier too, this was going to be different. Much much different. And it proved to be, as well. Much later did I realise that the decision taking was the easier part, the not-so-easy one came later. But I am glad that it petered out the way it did.

With a couple of issues resolved, a blog to boot - and I repeat, one of the most thereuptic entities it is, this blogging - the last straw that...err...mended the camel's back was a phone call.
A: Hello Suneer...
S: Hello
A: Would you.....
S: Why not. Obviously.
A: Cool. Talk to you later.

That was that. Some find their solace in alcohol, I had found it in something I love the most, cricket.

Progress was slow, but it was steady. The rocky terrains were definitely encountered on the way, but then, it was just a short journey left. I knew I could do it.

August came and went, so did a couple of months more. Encountered a couple of huge surprises, in the form of an e-mail that was I was expcting for the last three years and my final placement. And today, it has all turned around.

The last three months have flown...literally. The Chandigarh trip was as it could only be - awesome - and in the meantime, loads of other stuff began to fall into places. Today, as the things stand, I do not for a moment believe that something like what happened this time last year, actually happened to me.

But, I won't forget it. Lessons like these are better learnt sooner than later, and hopefully I have learnt mine.

Another week or so, and I should be done with the college jazz.

Game, set...and a total mismatch.


Anonymous said...

One should never forget from where they have come..

Lessons learned the hard way are etched as if on stone in our hearts..Itzz good you appreciate the good times !

They say life comes a full circle too.. itzz a long way to go Suneer, we will learn to throw the stones once the prick our legs and kiss the roses!

itzz a long way :)

I will come along to yur blog more often .. I like it!

Anonymous said...

Hiya! thanks 4 droppin in ...
now you shud be confused where to tap when yu come to my profile?? cme on in at rum bliks.. thats my constant adda ok?

now for working on cric info? i wish dear seriusly ;)

i m live in Karnataka.. no nopes i dnt belong to that place... an i m in mysore.. not in Blore!

take care!

Suneer said...

@Veens: Yeah, personally, I never have learnt lessons the soft way - or any way other than the hard way. They definitely remain permanently etched. Thanks for stopping by, and yes, do keep coming :-)

@Veens again: I have already added the Rumblink blog to my Blog Roll! Yeah, did see the mysore later!