Monday, March 03, 2008

One would have thought that with the course almost completed, availability of time would be at its peak. The posts would flow like the runs flowing through Sachin Tendulkar's bat. Or the controversies from Rakhee Sawant's stable.

One would have thought wrong.

I have been buried in anything and everything that holds any relation with iSport. So it could be marketing, promotion, recruitment, operations or sometimes even finances.

Irony is, I am an IT guy, who is soon going to join an IT firm, in an IT profile. But I aint handling anything related to IT for iSport.

The rest of it may not interest too many people, and for that matter nor will any cricket. But what may just be of a little bearing could be the audio podcasts that we have been recording for the IPL - recording my voice as a so-called 'cricket expert' and puting it up on the website, here. You could click on individual links for every team that is going to play in the IPL, and listen to the podcasts. It sure was a lot of fun talking on something that I can go on and on - like Celine Dion's heart - and to have it on the website was a huge kick as well. By the way, the Celine Dion joke was an ample testimony to how my sense of humor has drooped to unprecedented low. Have not been sleeping too long these days.

Moving on from cricket to something that I have been hearing a lot about MTV Roadies, a reality show on the aforesaid mentioned TV channel. I did manage to catch a couple of episodes and there are some comments I could make on the same. And I will. :-)
1. It is a gripping serial. Makes you want to sit and predict and not change channels.
2. Unfortunately the same holds true for a lot of other serials, the Big Bosses, Indian Idols and like, which are aired under the disguise of the genre of reality TV.
3. Mark the word that I have used is serial, yeah, it looks as stage managed as it could be. Probably not the result - who gets out when - but the rest of it tends to give me a feeling that the sole motive of this programme is TRP. That is a putting off factor.
4. Rannvijay suits the bill in terms of an unbiased, neutral host very well.
5. I don't know the background of Raghu, but he seems to come across as someone who has held sixteen degrees in psychology and specialised in leadership and team management. Unfortunately, it looks a little fake as well.
6. Nikhil hosted the initial studio rounds, or probably, the better word would be 'judged'. He was good till he remained Nikhil, but the problem for me arose when he started aping Raghu.
7. Someone made this comment - so I wont take credit for it - that there are not too many roads in roadies. Which is true. Bhai, agar sirf boot camps dikhaaney hain toh campies jaisa naam soch lo.

In the meantime, loving every moment of life currently. To add to that, a trip to Goa may just be on cards at the end of this month. So, it looks even better.

Snooze time now.


Pepper said...

Being a media person (I love saying that :D), I've met Raghu a few times. He says he is the way he is because he had a bad childhood..LOL

Suneer said...

OK, I really dont want to comment too much on that, guess shouldnt be too harsh on him then.

Given that I cannot comment on your blog, I must say, I got lost in ur last tag on ur blog...but it was fun reading it. :-) (dont ask me to name half the things, because my memory is not in the same league as urs, as mentioned in ur blog)

Pepper said...

well you got lost..because you liked it that much or hated it that much.. ?? Fancy doing it yourself?

Suneer said...

naah naah, did not hate it by any stretch of imagination, but it surely was a data overload :-)

I can definitely give it a, do I wait for an official "tag comment" or start straight away :-)

Pepper said...

You are tagged! Ready Steady Go!

Suneer said...

done Lunacy :-)