Saturday, March 15, 2008


Played cricket today. The cricket I used to play as a 16 year old.

The cricket was brash and rash at the same time, with no regards to the fact that the body has changed over a period of years.

The result was not totally unexpected, but it probably was not seen coming. The bone on the left side of my lower back strained. Now, because I am no physiotherapist, I may have even used the word 'pull', unfortunately, bones do not get pulled. They either break, or strain. My bone's definitely not broken. But it is much more than a normal strain.

I cannot walk without a limp. I can certainly not climb stairs. And...I can definitely not play more cricket, till I sleep on this one, and gauge it tomorrow. It hurts...not the pain...but the thought of my plans going for a toss. Funny, that this happened in the first fifteen minutes of the game, I continued for another 90 minutes but the effect's showing up only now.

To overcome the pain, managed to catch the episode of Roadies, interpersed between the ICL T20 match. Unfortunately, both the programs did not manage to ignite the any kind of balm, for me to feel distracted. Blogging does help obviously, but only so much.

It is going to be an early sack hitting for me tonite.


Pepper said...

Get okay soon. And since you plan to hit the sack early, good night.

Anonymous said...

hope u r alright now