Monday, March 10, 2008

Of chocolates, late nights and axes!

The mandatory chocolate break is here. Over the past few months, a serious realization dawned upon me.

Not only do I have a sweeth tooth, but I am a chocolate addict. Now, I dont for a moment claim to be a connoisseur (had to search for its exact spelling!) of chocolates, but I am an addict. Plain, simple addict. I am like a dope addict who does not care too much about what is the brand of drug (are there any, like a Britannia Weed or a Cadbury's Ganja ), not caring whether it is a 'five star' bar or a chunk of 'Mars' - all taste the same to me. Haven't had too many days without a chocolate, first in the fridge, which in turn enters my tummy.

So each time, I feel obligated to have a night out like today - tonite - I have observed that atleast 6 pieces of a Dairy Milk bar disappear down my gullet. The same becomes a potent combination when the fact of laziness and lack of physical labour in the last year or so gets added to the same. A skinny 62 kg guy has suddenly become transformed to 74. Ok, probably it was not that sudden, it took 3-4 years. Yet.

And again, as I type this, half my mind's getting very distracted towards the half a bar of the same waiting to be chomped away.

Which brings me to the reason why I am awake. 13th and 15th of this month are my project submission deadlines. Now, while under normal circumstances, that would have meant that the night out dates would have been scheduled for 12th and 14th respectively, I have run into a problem. As they say, I have axed my foot. (Ouch, I think I 'axed' the English there).

I have stepped my foot onto an axe. Or whatever. When the topic for this final project had to be chosen, I could opt for only a marketing one. Because I have majored in it. I almost squabbled with my course co-ordinator to get the darned rule changed. So that I could take something in Operations! Holy thundering bovine typhoons!

So, as the things currently stand, I am trying my level best to get data on "Use of IT in Transportation Planning and Vehicle Scheduling", which is NOT too simple a task (If you do get something more than what wiki gives me, please mail it across, ehsaan zindagi bhar and all nahi bhooloonga). And till date, I never understood the rationale behind me choosing a topic like this, especially when a marketing topic like "promotion and sales of a sports website" could have very easily been taken and executed by me.

Sigh. Some questions, they say, are best left unanswered. And they also say, as you sow, so shall you reap. I have absolutely no clue about what and why am I reaping whatever I am currently. I dont even know whether I am reaping anything out of it. Don't forget to mail if you could help.

This is an appeal. Anyone up there?


Pepper said...

Chocolate addiction? Night outs? Pleading for help in projects? For a minute I thought you were writing about my life!

Suneer said...

:-) I am soon gonna have to join a Chocoholic Anonymous, the rate at which I am going

Fighter Jet said...

Chocolate are fantastic! I love them all :)