Saturday, March 29, 2008

Tagged by Rahul

Blogging is such an adiction that, the first thing I do after getting back from Goa is some of the same. I shall obviously post my Goa experience in the posts to come, but before that, there is tag to execute, sent by Rahul.

Rahul's tags rules read "The rules read--- Post 5 links to 5 of your previously written posts. The posts have to relate to the 5 keywords given (family, friends, yourself, your love, and anything you like). Tag 5 other friends to do the same. Try to tag at least 2 new acquaintances (if not, your current blog buddies will do) so that you get to know them each a little bit better."

Here goes:

Something about me: My Back to the Wall - A Poem

Slippery Soaps and k Soaps: K-Soaps

Favourite Movie: Sivaji??

Happy me: Friend's engagement

Delhi...oh Delhi! : And they say Mumbai's bad!

It kind of became difficult for me to choose amongst 210 odd posts, so chose the first five that I saw. Will tag further soon, now need to catch up on my much vaunted sleep.

Sehwag and the rest of the Indian inning beckons.


Pepper said...

seen this tag on a lot of blogs.. but the list is different..

A said...

uth ja!
missing u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!