Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Black is Black...and so is my Portfolio!

I see black!!!

It’s been ages since I witnessed this phenomenon. It’s called “I-see-black-after-long-time-in-my-portfolio” phenomenon. Or “I-am-finally-out-of-red-zone” phenomenon.

Or simply put, my Shares Investment portfolio shows profit! Some few hundred bucks of profit, but it is much better than what it was a couple of months back. Then, it showed 17000 bucks in loss. A red colored 17000. Reminding me, each time I logged into my account, what an uninformed investor I am. I was one.

To add to this, I am showing this profit after selling off some good profit making shares. Which means, that had I not, it would have showed much more black. Loads of it!

Actually, Sugar has been a bitter pill to swallow, pun intended. Some rash investments in sugar stocks meant that I never recovered fully from it. I am still struggling with the same. Have a certain KCP Sugar, which has depreciated to more than 40% of it’s value. And I don’t see it go up in a hurry, soon. But one learns. Burns one’s fingers and learns. And undoubtedly, this was one big lesson for me. Research the company properly before investing. And worse, it wasn’t as if I had got a tip for this one. Was reading the newspaper, saw this one, liked the name, and bought it. No, I mean it was not that bad, but you get the drift, right?

Then you have the safe stocks. Like the Wipros and the Satyams, where I have bought them at every dip, and sold them off at every rise. They have been the steady source of income for me. Add a Wockhardt, Sterlite Industries and Unitech to the list. The last name would not qualify as a safe stock, but it will earn you profits for sure. You can rely on it for sure. And reason for this is its volatility. So, if you know the right time to enter and exit, this is one stock one must not ignore.

At the other end of the spectrum has been Telecom. More specifically ‘Reliance Communication'. In a span of close to one year, I have almost doubled the money I invested in it. Invested in it for two reasons, the brand name and the potential of the sector. No ‘Fundamentals’, or ‘Technicals’ taken into consideration. But it has worked for me. So far at least. Not planning to sell this one in a hurry as well. Instincts tell me that it’s one stock to stay invested in. For the long run.

I heard this snippet on Infosys Technologies from someone. It went like this.
Had someone bought the Infosys stock, as an IPO, for around 10000 bucks, and remained invested till today, around 14 years hence, the person would have been a multi millionaire by now! Hmmm…if there is even an iota of truth in the story, then I would like to congratulate all those millionaires sitting out there. Wonder why Infosys has suddenly become a much sought after company for me! But on a more serious note, I anticipate Reliance Communication to do the same for me. A Multi Millionaire, or a Crorepati, by the time I am 40!

I should be back in 15 years, writing about my success story. Just watch out guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yipppeee....Party time!!!
When will I c black now??!!!all bcoz of u i bought Sugar...and now for lissnin to ur advise...the least U can do is to treat me to a Taj buffet with all that "black" money!