Sunday, June 03, 2007

Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Friday, a new month. June. Also the last day of the working week.

My day in jist yet...

9.30 am to 1 pm :- Tea, Breakfast on table, Moneycontrol, Cricinfo, Blogging, Attempt at sleep with eyes open.

1 pm to 2pm :- Lunch, not at table.

2 pm to 7 pm :- Tea, Snacks on table, Moneycontrol, Cricinfo, Blogging, Attempt at sleep with eyes open. (note the difference between the first slab of 'work' and this one)

7 pm to 7.15 pm :- A Long, "Important", meeting with Boss.

7.15 pm :- Pack my Bags.

But it couldn't have gone better after that.

Met up with the School guys, A and S. S seemed his excited self. Wounded me bad in the process. A was his cool self. Discussed a motley of stuff. Cricket, Pay cheques, Girls, their boyfriends, old classmates, older gossips about 'em, amongt other stuff.

Dinner came and went. And so did a session at the Shivaji Park Naturals'. As most of you guys would have guessed, Malai Vanilla with Mango Pieces was had. Licked clean. Heart felt satiated. Soul felt purged. And among other feelings, Bliss was at the top.

I was with my people.

Home coming reluctantly happened at midnight.


Saturday, first of the weekends. Second Day of the Month

For i = 1 to 5 do (I did!)

John Grisham.

Some thing tells me that the word "End" should be outside the braces. Any software programmers? Anyways, who cares.

A small footnote about the John Grisham I read. King of Torts. Unimpressive. Did not live upto his standards one bit.


Sunday. 3rd June.

Early Morning Show of "Pirates of the Caribbean". 9 of us. I will be frank here, did not understand it.
Reason: Simple. Had not watched the first two parts.

Could have as well named the movie "Australian Cricket Team". They were the true Pirates of the Caribbean this year. At the World Cup that is. Bad Joke. One bad Joke a post is allowed for me.

Moral: Watch part 1 and 2 a couple of times before going for this one. Understand your history of PoC well. Toss a coin. This at least reduces your probability of spending 100 bucks to 50%

Lunch at Discovery. Chinese. NP's pharmaayeesh. Marketed by me. She says I am second only to Phillip Kotler. Wondering whether IT is the right line for me now. Or should I also sell soap?

Slept at home. Chatted with some old friends and started with another one. Frederick F. (can neither pronunce nor spell his last name.)

9 p.m. Koffee with Karan: Kidding? Did not watch it after this

10 p.m. Cricket Controversies:

Siddhu: Blah blah blah...Miniskirts....Statistics....Kid in Dance Bar...Air Hostesses....blah blah....I agree with Mr Dungarpur, Surinder Amarnath and the Media Guy
Mr. Dungarpur: (Quiet most of the time). I agree with Mr. Siddhu, Surinder Amarnath and the Media Guy.
Surinder Amarnath: (any cricket fan worth his salt could speak what he did, dont remember half the things)
Media Guy: But why can't Indian Cricketers unite?
Media Guy (again): I think the Indian Cricketers should unite
Media Guy (once more): Indian Cricketers are at fault because they do not unite
Media Guy (enough now): Indian Cricketers should form a chain and do something

Overall, I think, the host did not ask the right questions. At the right times.
Sonali Chandran does a much better job. Wish she was the host. A very sensitive Cricketing topic spoken about in a very frivilous manner. An utter waste.

Will Sleep now. Tomorrow is another day with Mr. Garrtner. Bless me.

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