Thursday, June 28, 2007

That's it gentlemen, that's stumps.

The last day. End of another important phase of life. On second thoughts, not as important, especially, given that I had already worked earlier. But, it was a phase alrite, it was internship alrite. Have heard many speak about them having ‘interned’, at some point in their lives, and I joined the same bandwagon. By tomorrow this time, I would have officially passed out my internship

Unlike living in hostel. Which I never had the luxury of. Unfortunately. Not that it is a paradise of an existence by itself. Far from it. In fact, I realize that there is no better luxury than having a home to get back to, get home-made food, and most importantly, sleep on one’s own bed. But, putting up in a hostel, is something very different, and very special to achieve. It is something different from the mundane daily existence where you got your folks to worry to death for you. Where things are being spoon fed. I know that it is almost the case of ‘Grass being greener on the other side’, but it would have been different all the same. A-never-before-experienced feeling.

Coming back to the internship, I have a mixed sort of a feeling getting done. It means getting back to college, and I strongly wish that we did have a one year course, more like what some of the other colleges do. This would be beneficial for those who are sure what they want to get back into, thus, not wasting unnecessary time, and other resources. I am one of those few lucky souls, who is pretty convinced of the sector and the job profile I am looking at. An ideal situation for me would have been a hard, tough as nails, one year MBA course, after which I get out of the college, with some knowledge, that I do not realize during the course of acquiring it, that I have, but when I come out, and I look back, I exclaim, yes, things have changed. For good! Unfortunately what I have here is that after one whole year of absolutely no value add, I am back to college for another stint at honeymoon. It just does not augur too well for me.

But, at the other end of the spectrum, I also know my real reasons for trying to graduate from a B-School and the original motive is not yet lost on me. Hence, barring these few bouts of cerebral excesses, I am alrite with the concept of honeymooning for another year. Actually it is only 7 more months, after which, one should be able to realize one’s ambitions of getting into the jobs of one’s liking (or at least a job!) and get done with it.

The internship itself was not a lot to write home about. Learning was something that stopped within the first two weeks, after that it was more of a mechanical, repetitive kinds, lacking a challenge enough to stimulate the mind. But, then expecting it to be, would have been expecting the moon. Besides, it taught me patience. More patience. And it introduced me to my Project Guide and my 8th odd boss at that. And easily the most brilliant of them all. Hands down. Knows his job, knows what he wants, and a very uncluttered mind as to how to go about doing it. A hugely inspirational figure. A difficult act to follow.

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