Sunday, March 16, 2008

After the storm, comes another storm!

Under normal circumstances, there are a couple of things that may just have bothered me enough to be called irritations of life. But thanks to the hectic schedule of the previous week, and the fact that it may just get a little more hectic in the next few days, has helped in pulling the mind away from the issue.

It is not as if the issue has been swept under the carpet, in fact, it is quite contrary. I have faced it head on, and that has obviously led me to become a little fuzzy headed. The good news obviously is that there are just too many activities left to be done, which mean that more than 90% of my 'thinking time' is diverted from the so-called predicament.

Anyways, moving on, the Goa plan looks in jeopardy, due to some unreasonable viva that has been suddenly announced by the college for a project submission during the same set of days. The whole batch seems to be in no mood to budge, and there is a smell of revolt in the air. This one is going to be interesting, how it pans out.

And then there was a small incident to end this one. A close friend of mine, had a bad throat overnight. She had one teaspoon too many of Benadryl, and the results were startling. The lady, who usually wakes up by 10 in the morning, ended up sleeping till 1.30 p.m. If this was not enough, her cell phone ringer was turned to a mode that one usually expects morally upright citizens to turn to in a movie hall. Silent.

So many missed calls and smses later, it was a bout of tension for a lot of the people around her, when she finally did call, her first question was, "Suneer, what is the time?" Dear, I should be the one who should have been asking this one, what on earth is the time buddy! One frikking thirty! And it was just a bottle of benadryl, not six and a half shots of tequila that we are talking about! Some people....!

Some day it was.


Pepper said...

She drank an entire bottle of benadryl? Is she a druggie.. I know a lot of cough syrup addicts..

Suneer said...

Aah, I think I made a exaggerated a bit there. What I meant was that that she had more than she should have, 2-3 teaspoons! But later on talkin with her she also told me that an hour back, they had had a drinks party, where she had a glass of vodka. Now, I think, the combination of vodka and cough syrup may have had something to do with the whole thing!

Yeah, there are many of 'em, cough syrup addicts. The taste may be bad, but the repercussions are 'wonderful'!