Saturday, March 08, 2008

Goa tickets booked. Sadly, it also reminded me of my precious camera.

And the even more precious pictures. All gone into thin air. Disappeared. Vanished. A minute it was there, the next, it was gone. Like swooooosh. :-(

And unfortunately, with the kind of balance that my bank accounts show, I would be lucky to survive the next couple of months till the incoming exceeds the outgoing. Into the bank that is. So no more 'Alpha Shopping' for me.

In all probabilities, this may just be a photoless trip.


Pepper said...

Goa.. Yay! me too.. :D

Suneer said...

Arre awesome...when?..I mean, if I can ask u that!

Pepper said...

mid april..!

Suneer said...

aah...its march end for me! :-)
btw, read some of your blogposts, in fact a lot of them n I enjoyed them...the simple style of writing. Baaki, many small small comments...
but for that, I shall wait for your "comments gateway" to open :-)

Natasha said...

Live it up!!! when will be the next time you have a vacation while you're lukkha :D hehe i mean you know how it is once work starts. you could borrow someone's cam

Solitaire said...

Can you not borrow a camera from someone or buy a disposable camera?

Suneer said...

@Natoo: Lukkha! You calling me a lukkha! Just becoz I am on a vacation! :-) I havent done so much "lukkhagiri as I have in the last two years, so, I am kinna bored now!

@Solitaire: Unfortunately, I dont wanna take too many chances with people's cameras, that too in a place which has got beaches and a spray of water is never far off. Lesse, if I get a good quality disposable one...again, the bank balance reads an amount that suggests I could very well wait :-)

Anonymous said...


better than me.. i destroyed 2.. in a span of a week last dec :)

and see i m :))

i was :*((


cheer up.. and go n njoi.. we wanna ne wayzz see pics :P

Suneer said...

hehe! two in a week, were you angry and all? You know one of those questions, "What do you do when you are angry?" - I destroy any and every camera that comes in my way. ;-)

btw, did not see a comment link on ur blog? Did I miss it by any chance?