Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Tagged by Lunacy...!

Another tag. And something tells me that by the time I would have been done with this one, people would know more about me than all previous 170 odd posts. Thanks to Miss. Lunacy :-)

Ten Things You Wish You Could Say To People Right Now (but cant/dont)
1. You are easily the most selfish and egoistic person I have met in all my years of existence. Easily. Sometimes, try thinking from others' point of view as well.
2. Please don't show your patriotism off by unleashing your unlawful activities. That so sounded like my 4th standard PT prof.
3. Please stop selling cars in this city. They suck (a lot of petrol and spit it out in the form of smoke!)
4. You are an idiot. Period. (there are three in my list currently)
5. Come on, don't do your MBA this year!
6. Will you marry me, like, right now?
7. You may not be a monkey, but you deserve every bit of the abuse that got hurled on you. You filthy giraffe (for want of being politically correct)
8. You worry too much and unnecessarily, mai hoon na, dont worry too much.
9. I miss you.
10. Stop smoking dude. Atleast on my face.

Nine Unknown Things About me:
Barely anything, but I will still try and invent something.
1. I hate soccer from the bottom of my heart.
2. I still cant help thinking what would have been had mum allowed me to continue playing cricket.
3. I am mortally scared of smelling the pathalogy labs in which they suck out blood. They = injections
4. As a six year old, I used to dislike cameras. For people who know me now, mai sach bol raha hoon, 'god promise'!
5. I am a bathroom dancer. No comments please.
6. I considered myself to be a techie, took my GRE, wanted to do my MS in Electronics when lightening stuck. And I did my MBA
7. I once took a 44 hour to and from Bangalore journey, just to meet a friend for a period of 30 hours.
8. I was only seven when I had my first crush, and it was NOT on a school teacher.
9. Unfortunately I think Sachin Tendulkar gets hyped up a little too much.

Eight Ways To Win Your Heart:
Eight??? I aint that demanding, one or two would be more than enough!!!
Be yourself, be genuine, dont be selfish (dont remember me only when you need me) and I am won over!

Seven Things That Cross Your Mind A Lot
1. I had a lot more fun as a fifteen year old kid than now. I would be having more fun now than what I would as a 40 year old.
2. Why did a couple of 'em behave in the way they did?
3. I am darned lucky. Very very lucky, and I hope to remember that always.
4. I should start exercising. And soon!
5. Agar cricket nahi hota toh...would I still be passionate about something?
6. How would I react if I won a lottery worth crore?
7. Whatever happened to Giant Robot of the Doordarshan fame? Click here to know which one I am referring. Rumor had it that he left for heavenly abode whilst trying to save the planet. Is it? Someone let me know.

Six Things You Regret:
None. Just think of what might have been had I played cricket more seriously.

Five Turn-offs
1. Some people remembering you at the time of distress, and then vanish into thin air like they and their distresses never existed. Cannot be more turning off. (almost typed 'turn offing' there!)
2. Jingoism and fanatism (for people, caste, creed, religion, gender etc). Far too many people belong to this list.
3. Commuting.
4. Frogs in wells. Ah well, this may need an explanation, these are those people who are typically those frogs in the well, for whom the worlds just that small place, they live ONLY for themselves - unmindful of what the people around think of situations and things. I know it is a little difficult to explain, but well I ain't no poet!
5. Rakhee Sawant. Did you just ask me why?

Four Turn-ons:
1. Humbleness. It really works with me.
2. Long hair (two points here, one, this is only for ladies, and two, I think my timing is a bit awry, given that someone's just had a haircut. Chorry.)
3. Openness, and honesty while conversing. Really appreciated.
4. Cool temper.

Three Things You Want To Do Before You Die:
1. I want to commentate for a period of at least two-three years on cricket matches and get paid for it. Alternatively, if this is too far fetched, watch a match at MCG, Lords and Eden Gardens.
2. Tell some people how much I love them. I dont know when. How. But I know I have to.
3. Be able to drive from my house to New Bombay in twenty minutes.
There are a lot more, can I like exchange this with the "things to win my heart", I wrote only two points there!!!

Two Smileys that Describe You:
:-) & ;-)

One Confession: I was a nerdy geek till I was in my first year of Engineering. Studies happened on the same day as the chapters got taught. My fall from grace - boley toh less marks - happened when I stopped being one. I also realised that this coincided with me becoming very lazy. Which was attributed to my shirfting away from the house near which they played lot of cricket. So, indirectly, I lost my nerdiness because I shifted to a house 100 meters away.

They always said I am a logical person. Pathetic logic.


A said...

that was long!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Tell some people how much I love them. I dont know when. How. But I know I have to."

Bol de bol de.....:-P

Pepper said...

Good list.. !

Suneer said...

@Anjuli: Tch tch! Baad may shhhh! :-)

@Lunacy: :-) thank you

Anonymous said...

*6. Will you marry me, like, right now?

hehehe! seriously.. go and say!

*7. You may not be a monkey, but you deserve every bit of the abuse that got hurled on you. You filthy giraffe

waow! a whole new dimension to name calling :0) I am so learning this ;)

**3. I am mortally scared of smelling the pathalogy labs in which they suck out blood. They = injections

--hehhehe! I feel like fainting.. when I smell the jeez!

//Nine Unknown Things About me:
**5 --no comments ;)

**6 --chalo end main kuch toh liya :P

**8 -- i beat u on that.. i was in 1st standard [hw old was I then ;)] when I had my first crush...hehehe NOT on any teachers :)

**Whatever happened to Giant Robot of the Doordarshan fame?

--He found a giant roboty from Venus and flew away with her ;)

-- fundoo TAG !
I lovd this one anyways.. :-)