Tuesday, June 12, 2007

How much are you 'running' NP!? ;)

I begin with wishing one of my dear friends, NP, a very Happy Birthday. Now had she been 12, I would have definitely said so. But, given that it's her birthday, and she has already borne the brunt of many of our "age-old" jokes (or is it 'old-age'?!!), I will stop it that. So, here goes, Happy Budday NP!

So, we met yesterday, at this place at Oshiwara, called Chawla, the Dhaba. Name sounds something the movie, Daag, the Fire, isn't it? When I first heard of it, I thought it is a Punjabi name, Chawla da Dhaba, but the 'da' in the middle turns out to be 'the'. So, a Punjabi name suddenly turned out to be quite English.

And here, I must also make a mention of the fact, that for the first time in the history of finding and getting to a place, I not only did not find myself getting lost, but also was the first to reach. And for the next forty five minutes, the only one of two people. The other being Aditi.

The rest of the night was fun, and what else do you expect when the two CEO cobras, cast their spell, and wove their magic, on the rest of the gang, enticing, cajoling, imbibing and torturing the rest with their inimitable 'humor'. What better reward for the two of us, Deepshi and I, that Abhishek joined in the fun with some of his original, 'quick-witted' jokes.(Incidentally, there were three people by that name, Abishek, thankfully no confusions arose). Some of his jokes have already been enlisted in the Cobra Hall of Fame, and would soon be posted. (and if that was not enough, I get a nice lil 'forwarded sms joke' from Abhishek at 2 in the night, which constituted a cockroach, a make up kit and a lip paint. You can form the rest of the joke any which ways you please!)

Amidst all this, the budday girl...woman...(!!!), completed her ceremony, blew off the candles, cut the cake, got her face painted with a combination of white cream, red cherries, green vegetables and what not. Deepshi even hit upon this wonderful idea of using the other vegetables and fruits in the restaurant to make for a good photography session, but thankfully all that did not materialise (there is a hint of exagerration there). However, for some time, it did seem that Abhinav would end up getting his face smeared with the same stuff, but thankfully, even that moment passed.

There were other small, cute moments that occurred,

a. A couple of sips into her drink, Deepshi stopped joking.
Meaning: She was already high.

b. A couple of sips into his drink, Abhishek started cracking jokes.
Meaning: same as above.

c. Abhishek and Abhinav's drinks got exchanged.
Meaning: The waiter was also high.

d. I ordered for a 'never-heard-of-before' Mocktail, Angel's Kiss
Meaning: It was a kiss alrite, of Apple Peel, and Milk Cream. I guess, my much cherished dream of having milk when the rest of the Gang would be into Alcohol, got fulfilled. Ritika's assesment of the drink was the best, "it tastes like Rotten Strawberry Milk Shake." I surely cannot deny that.

e. Abhinav cracked some good jokes.
Meaning: He cannot join the Cobra Gang for now, there is a threshold you got to fall below, before getting into it.

f. Ritika and Aditi were on their phones.
Meaning: Someone called them up!

g. My digital camera did not work.
Meaning: Murphy's Law does hold true some time.

Overall, a fun filled evening, which also meant that I have hit a "Goal" from office today. Huh? Alrite, I meant, that I have called in sick today.

Thanks NP, and err....how much are you running now? :-)


wearingthepants said...

Hey, nice blog ya have here!

Mmm...rotten strawberry milkshake. Should've stuck with the alcohol!! :)

Suneer said...

Thanks buddy...! And thanks for visiting the blog :-)

That is what one gets when one is a teetotaller, an occasional drink which does not gel too well with the ambience! Happens sometime ;)

wearingthepants said...

What is a teetotaller?