Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Life now.

No, let me begin by saying that this ain't a post on cricket. Just using a line I heard there.

"Just when you thought that you had the game by the scruff of it's neck, it will bite you in the bum."

So very true. But what is more true is that if you replace the word 'Cricket' with 'Life', the meaning's importance would not diminish one bit. Life, like cricket, cannot be taken for granted, "till the last ball is bowled". Unfortunately, in cricket, one ends up getting another opportunity after that last ball. The last ball in life - and well, this is the unfortunate part really - remains at that, THE LAST BALL.

Why I write this is because, it has been merry for me in the twenty days or so. The ghosts of those dark periods seem to have been buried. Apart from a minor skittish, here and there, it seems to be back on track, to where it should have been in the first place. Damage Control ended up causing a little more damage than necessary, but that is a part of the game (Naah, I am not referring to cricket here). Weeding out the bad from the otherwise not-so-bad is a necessity. More of this sometime else.

However, now, in this merriment, I really wish I do not forget those not-so-merry days. And the reasons that caused 'em. After all, getting away from the darkness and into the dawn is easy, but some hours down the line, dusk does make it's appearance felt. That is when one needs to take one's sun glasses off, and not turn a blind eye to it. Hopefully this time I would be more prepared to face the darkness, that would follow this dawn.

I would like to end with another cricket quote, not quite related to the this post, just wanted to finish off on a lighter note.

A certain Rafael Benitez when asked why he did not like Test Cricket replied,

"How can you tell your wife you are just popping out to play a match and then not come back for five days?"

Times are changing. You could be back in 3 hours now dude, afterall!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

A 'Pearler' from Ravi Shastri!

Was watching the highlights of an old match between India and South Africa.

Laxman hits the ball to the boundary for a four.

Ravi Shastri came out with a 'pearler'.

He says, "Psychologically, this is an important four."

Pauses. Ever so slightly.

"Because this takes India past 100. They are now 106/4."

Huh? The four takes India past 100? But I thout they were already 102 (106 - 4 na!)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

28th July, 2003

Today incidentally, I celebrate (or at least I remember) my fourth anniversary of joining my ever work-place, Mastek. 28th July, 2003, it was.

Now, it already seems like it's been ages ago. Four Long years ago, I remember entering the company premises on a rainy day, not quite drenched, but wet all the same. Met up with an HR guy - so reminiscent of Karan Johar, if I may add - and then another good looking HR personnel addressing us about what's expected out of us. Like we were first grade students joining the Primary school first time. The day went pretty quick. The formalities and all were done quick as well.

The only other thing I remember from that day was when we were showed the room in which we were supposed to be trained for the next three months. Takshsheela was the name of the room. We were amused. Little did we know that this very room would be a part of all of us, for the next couple of months or so. For all fifteen of us. A name that would evoke fond memories of those days.

It sure remains etched. Forever.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Oh...what a day!

What a day...what a wonderful day! And at the end of it all, I just realised that, I actually managed two trips from Mahim to Parle and back. Surprises never cease.

It all begun with a close friend's birthday and wishing her in the morning. We were supposed to meet up, subject to her availability, which unfortunately did not materialize. But, as they say, when one door closes, another one opens. Or at least a window.

It all began with the Inauguration day. Of our college. After one year and some days of actually joining it. And after twenty six years of it's own existence. Wonder why they call it that. Anyways, I also realised that it was worth fifteen marks. Yeah, inauguration day attendance was worth fifteen marks, out of which, one mark was reserved for the existence of my Identity Card. Some other marks for the blazer and the tie. One for the lapel pin. Probably some for the shirt and trousers as well. And for... Alrite, let me not go down that road now.

But my point is, I did end up losing a mark. I was not wearing one of the above.

The Inauguration itself mut have been good. In fact, it would have been awesome. Just that I do not know much. For obvious reasons. Did not attend it!

We (and by we, I mean the seven of us) secretly sneaked out (Secret Seven?) and cladestinely paid Barista a visit. And we talked. Talked about pretty serious, important stuff. Understanably, seven potential MBAs would obviously talk nothing else, aint it?

Yeah, especially when you include Doordarshan serials, Bhooley Bisre Movies, Mithun Chakraborthy(sorry Shubro, if I got that spelling wrong!), Rajani and others, and God only knows what all. Mind you, all serious stuff alrite? And for how long? You could do your Math, but we started at 1130, and were driven out of there at 1430.

And oh, I forgot to add, it was pouring outside. I was wearing white. I had no umbrella. I had no windcheater. I got wet.

Home coming happened for a couple of hours and then...came the highlight of the whole evening. The bottom line. The punch line. And the whole lot of others names one can think of.

I took a cab to Juhu. And the cab guy turned out to be the Star. Note the word Star with a capital S. That is what he was, and one would have to be there to understand it. This man was a slow talker, but, spoke like he knew me for the last thirty six years. Or even one hundred and thirty six years. And again, we spoke about many topics under the sun. He began by asking me why was I going to Juhu.

"Going to watch a play."

"Hindi or English?"


"Ok, I have watched many plays there. In Hindi."


"Have you watched....." He names some play.


"Hindi play, directed by....." Names a director.


"I generally drive for him when he directs or performs."

"Thats good." I dont know what else to say.

"I actually do not always drive a cab."

"Oh, so what else do you drive?"

"Cab, auto, cars etc"

"Your own?"

"Yeah." Nonchalantly.

All of a sudden I felt like I was in a chaffeur driven car, and not just another cab.

The conversation petered about like this for some time, in which he claims to know many 'celebrities' from the theater and music world. Till he asked me....

"So, which college are you in?"

"NMIMS. Not the NM commerce college, NMIMS." I reiterate this, because I am sure, he would confuse it with NM.

He says he knows. I think, yeah right he does!

Then he delivers the knock out punch.

"Do you know Ms. Bindi Mehta?"

Yes I do. A professor from my college. I keep mum for some time. Then I ask him how he knows it. He gives me some vague explanation, but I am hardly listening. World's a small place after all!

He manages to deliver me in time for the play. I am surprised I am not the last to arrive. Manav arrives almost after me. But then begins the long grinding wait for Abhishek. In the meantime, we are approached by at least three good looking ladies for the ticket. Well ok, I will remove the good looking from there. Lest...!

So, Abhishek makes his entry like Shah Rukh Khan of the Dil Toh Paagal Hai fame, just when the guy at the reception (reception??) is about to ring the last bell. The poor gals, who were hoping for the tickets did not get 'em. Sad. Feel sorry. Damn. Sh**.

As far as I remember, we were eleven of us. The play by itself was good. Almost great. Liked the entire play, but really what stood out for me was the impersonation by one of the artiste of a Maharashtrian lady. Mind Blowing is the word that comes to mind.

Dinner followed quickly after, and then, back home again. Tired, drenched, weary, but the good life continues. Enjoying it till it lasts!

And a very small mention of the shock of the day. Sensex fell by almost 550 points, the third largest fall in it's history. And realty stocks led the fall. The miracle here was, that I had sold off 90% of my realty stocks yesterday. Miracles really never cease! And yeah, wish my dear buddy a very happy birthday!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Bad joke. Worse joke.


"Hi, how's it going?"


"Birthday coming up. So wha....." I am cut mid way.

"Yeah, what do I get as a Birthday Present?"

Mind works overtime, what can I give? Pen? Top? A Ticket for two to Aapka Surroor?

"How about a diamond studded set?"

Yeah. Sure. Think of a bad joke.

"I am a stud. I am a diamond by itself. Let me stud my own self diamond, as your set?" Eeeks. I almost spat out my brains as soon as I said this.

"No, you ain't a diamond. You are a coal, who needs to be put under lots of pressure before you turn into one. So what's my gift?" PATHETIC. Just Pathetic.

"Dont feel so bad, I meant, you a diamond in the making." Bullshit. Still no gift.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tired...but happy!

It's been some time since I wrote something, and that can be plainly attributed to a totally packed schedule that I have been faced with, in the last seven days. And I have loved every minute of it. College, has been a very small part of it, the India-Pommies match on Television, the Cricket Project that I have undertaken, and the website that I have started writing for(will get to that in a day or so!), following the share market (which takes a lot of time in itself!) This coupled with meeting up with a few of my friends, and for a change, and much to the delight of my folks, a rendezvous with some relatives, ensured that, the only breathing space I had was, while tutoring the kiddo who finds his way to my place every second day. Mathematics and all. I almost got another student, but, funnily enough, they found me to be a little costly. Only a little alrite! And if all this was not enough, I need to do my assignments as well. And to start alligning my goals with that of the reasons for visiting my college.


And as I see it, an equally choc-a-bloc set of days coming up, with a bumper-to-bumper schedule. And as I see it, I welcome it. And as I also see it, I think it is going to be some fun!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Stubborness? Will Power?

Someone recently asked me whether I think I am stubborn. Hmmm...made me think.

In the face of it, I am. There are occassions back home, when I refuse to do things, just because I said I am stubborn. Stubborn to change, stubborn to accept change. Outside the realms of home, however, I think I am slightly different. I would like to say that I am not that stubborn. Or at least, I try my level best not to be. And that is attributed to one truth.

I do not think stubborness is such a good thing.

So much for me, talking about stubborness, I think we make the cardinal error of equating stubborness with strong will power and that for me, is totally out of place. Strong will power and Stubborness are two sides of the same coin, emanate from the genes, but, do not necessarily mean the same. One has a hugely negative conotation attached to it, the other gets you out of trouble each time you seem to down and out. Stubborness, more often than not, puts you in that same trouble. Food for thought?

And let me clarify, not for a minute, do I claim to have a strong will power, just that I am a bit stubborn when I am pushed to a corner.

Friday, July 20, 2007

The Journey I took recently

I did something that I had not done for a long long time. Read some of my old mails, one year old mails. NMIMS obviously dominated most of them, but re-reading them was an awesome exercise. And I use that word 'exercise', because my mind jogged back to days which I seem to have forgotten. And it was an amazing reminder of how things were so different and still are so same.

Quite frankly, I did not remember writing some of the things I had written. Not saying that for the sake of it, I mean every word of it. I actually wondered how and why could I think of some of the things I wrote. Some funny, others not quite! No, not for a monet am I saying that I should not have, but, at the expense of getting a tad too repetitive, I was amazed.

How I begun was another story, but to cut it short, I was searching for a particular e-mail which I had sent an year back. With gmail, it is really easy to do that, but I somehow got enchanted by a forward that a friend had sent me, and then, I started reading every second mail around that time.

It was a roller coaster ride. It was a journey back into time. Generally, I aint a great traveller, but this was different. It was like a person called me, watching someone else's life petering out in those mails. Someone else called me as well. I was watching myself in those mails, I was criticizing myself, I was applauding myself, egging myelf on, more importantly, I was just observing myself. And I enjoyed it.

It was a journey well taken. A journey I would most likely want to repeat.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hair Cut...!

A couple of days ago, I entered home. After a visit to the saloon.

Mum had opened the door for me. She looks at me enquiringly. My expressions are deadpan as ever. Then she looks at my hair. Evidently, she does not find what she's looking for. I wonder what.

Then she tries to look over me. Over my head. Again, she does not find what she's looking for. Again she looks at me enquiringly. I look back at her, equally enquiringly. We stare at each other for a full 20 seconds. Battle lines drawn. Like who gives in first.

Then she asks, "Hair cut?"


"From where?"


Exasperated she says, "Obviously. Which portion of your hair were snipped, if at all?"

Ok, so that was it. I should have guessed. She does not believe that I had actually had a hair cut. And now she expects me to point out which portion of my hair did I get rid of. If at all, as she says.

All the money down the drain, she would be thinking.

On the contrary, I would love to repeat Andaz Apna Apna's line, "Baal kataaye aur maloom bhi na padey." (had a hair cut, and no-one knows as well!)

I had also got a shave. From that very saloon. That very day. Don't understand how she didnt notice that.

Sometimes, I feel like getting myelf photographed before getting to a saloon and then doing likewise afterwards. And then pointing out the difference.

If at all.

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Usual...

The third successive day at home. And the only flip to it is that I feel too lazy to shave when at home. So, an ugly, difficult-to-handle stubble is what I get!

Have spent the days with phone, gtalk, blog and wondering on how would I get that excess thing called fat off me. A quick weight check tells me that I weigh perfect, but would like to pull some of that weight from my belly to the biceps. Who wouldnt!?

Today has been a day dedicated to the markets. It seems to have stabilized today, after a couple of days of running away to the land-of-never-before. My portfolio seems to have taken cue and doing the same. This is all thanks to the construction-pack trying to build sky scrapers, both literally and in the stock market. Reliance is always there, and today's news about Rel. Comm. acquiring another US based ethernet firm, Yipes, would help it boost it's prices further.

This comes on the back of Mastek acquiring an insurance firm, again a US based firm, for 10 million dollars, causing the stock to rise 15% today. Sold it off for a reasonable profit! The surprise of the day was Mr. Sudhakar Ram appearing on CNBC, talking about this acquisition. This acquisition is very much in line with Mastek's long term strategy of investing heavily on Insurance related Projects.

Lastly, I was able to complete the Cricket-Ratings Project, over the weekend and deliver the first workable version of the system. Still some way to go before we finish off the same though.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Funny boy!

This is funny and that is why I have not put it in my cricket blog.

After Bangladesh was thrashed by Sri Lanka again, Bangladesh's captain was been interviewed by Tony Greig.

"So, where does Bangladesh cricket go from here?" (obviously meaning, where does their cricket go from such appalling depths)

Ashraful, the Bangladesh Captain, "We go to South Africa to play the Twenty20 World Cup."

Err, we know your itienerary mate.

Friday, July 13, 2007

An evening at Oven Fresh

Without getting into the detailed description of the day, that I seemed to be getting too much into these days, I can easily vouch for the fact that it was one of the more interesting and exciting days for some time. After last evening's dinner with NP, DvD and DS at Stomach, this was Oven Fresh with Radhika, and catching up with her is a refresher course on how to be the best, and still have one's feet firmly planted in the ground.

People who know her would agree. And that is only one part of the story. The other and the more important is, that she is a close, close friend! So, talking to her gets us back to the enginering days of TSEC. But surprisingly, the topics do not subside there, they incorporate all the "gossips" in our personal life worth mentioning ranging from the MBA gyaan, Cricket write ups, common friends, uncommon friends, friend's friends, and their friends, girl friends, Love Marriages, Arranged Marriages, Child Marriages, Child Labor...and what not!

And then there is Kajol. She has to do a Kajol. Unfortunately, the count just does not cease. Unfortunately I cannot go much into the depths of Kajolness, lest I get hit, but that is what happens all the time. Just wish that Ashish was here, and it would have been recounting it to him. The Kajol-count was three today.

And now this wonderful lady goes off to France for an exchange program. Last time she went to USA, she got me a watch...this time....? *ok, after calling her Kajol so openly, I dont really think I deserve anything!*

A small mention about Oven Fresh where we met for dinner. The place has changed, but still managed to keep the charm and finesse that all of us associated it with. The non vegeterian menu has gone out of the window, and this is one place that I so want non-vegeterian food. And people who know me, know that I am not a non-veg. fan. Apart from that, the section that they have opened in the outer half, seems to be a smart move at the outset, but, it dilutes the overall ambience. I will go upto the extent of saying that it even dilutes the inner ambience. But even with this dilution, I would love to frequent it more often.

I would give it a 7 on 10 overall!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Musings of the day from a Two Point Someone!

Aaha! Now, that is a day which I would not mind having again. With a few modifications here and there, obviously, but that is for later. For now, it is a long, tiring, winding, grinding, happening, caffinating (err...??), drenching, drying and then again drenching (with sweat this time) kinna day. And a lot more.

First a special menion of the weather. I had heard of Mumbai having an equitable climate. The Geography Text Book of Class IV said so. So, let us define equitable first.

You get out of your house looking at the sky and it stares back it's dark little face, sullen looking and just about to cry. Alrite, without getting too philosophical, I meant, it looks cloudy, and just around the time to rain. Wear your wind cheater. Get out. The weather turns out to be cheater as well. The Sun decides to take over. Drives all the clouds away like a gardener drives the kids away from his orchard. Or his master's. Whichever, doesnt matter.

I am still in my windcheater. And I sweat hard. I chuck it in my bag, and get out of my rickshaw as well. And then, the inevitable and unenviable happens. It rains. One is drenched again. Difficult to distinguish between rain and sweat. And they say Mumbai has an equitable climate. They also say that I resemble Tom Cruise.

Today was one such day. And it began with another of those Market Research lectures. Now, I do not quite say that the lecture was too boring. But, you do get influenced by people around you who find it like wise. And so did I. Though it did have it's moments of brilliance. When the professor walked in 20 minutes late, and thus we had only 65 minutes to count down on our watches. Or is it 70? Whatever. The other moment to look forward to was when I actually gave answers to four of her questions. In return, she asked me to shut up. The first part was brilliant, the second, unnecessary. But at least it was better than the lecture next door, in which the History of Italian Civilization was getting taught as a sequel to that of the World War - II. Much better. The best part was my attendance. Three lectures. Three times present. Is it a miracle or is it a miracle?

The next portion of the day was dominated by me trying to figure out about my fee. One followed by another five digits. More than one-frikking-lakh? For what? God-only-knows. But if I am spending so much, then I better attend the lectures. And hence I decided, I will MAINTAIN A 100% ATTENDANCE in all the classes. I mean 100% required to pass. As in, 80%. Really. I can hear people saying, "Yeah, and you resemble Tom Cruise as well." I dont care. I will rise from the ashes. I will show this world my worth.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if it is possible to sit for lectures, then I must. I really dont know the relevance of this statement, but I just liked it there. As you can see, I am in a bit of a goofy mood.

But getting back to the fees. Ran from pillar to post. The pillar had nothing on it. It was actually next to the pillar that I saw the place where I could pay up. Post? Well, there was no post anywhere, just that I used just to drive home a point, that it took me much more time to pay up my fee, than it takes for me to drink a cutting-chai without getting my tongue burnt.

Fee paid. Felt bad. But then I consoled myself by saying that I did not spend it gambling. Or probably smoking coke. (This reminds of a funny line, very irrelevant here, but funny all the same. It goes like this, I once tried sniffing coke, I couldnt, because the ice cubes hit my face!). So, thinking of all these positives, I moved onto my next target. A photo shoot!

Yeah, you would think that they would all be lining up to get a snap or two of a potential Tom Cruise, instead I am asked to mind the crowd. There go my two hours down the drain. And not to mention the weather. The cycle mentioned above gets repeated. Finally I get a chance to get myself clicked. It's over even before the early bird has caught the worm. (another of those irrelevant proverbs. What's with me and these today?) Back to work. And then I get that dreaded phone call.

Deepshikha tells me that the results are out. I have again managed to keep my dreams of writing a book two point someone alive. Yeah, it is a hat trick of these scores. I quickly calculate my Standard Deviation. It is very very low. Shows my consistency. Like Rahul Dravid's. The only silver lining in the sky today. Literally and figuratively.

Shubrodeep comes up with another pyramid joke. Both of us are in the same boat. A Boat called Titanic. Fortunately, it is just a boat, and not a James Cameron's set having a huge ship that sinks. More inexpensive than it. Deepshikha's quick calculations tell us that we need to come up with mathematically possible figures in our 4th trimester result to beat the three mark and stop dreaming about publishing our book. Mathematically possible. Otherwise, not. Reminds me of another line. Siddhuism. “Statistics are like miniskirts, they reveal more than they hide”. No, not quite. Here goes another one.

"It's possible but not probable." I actually need to hit the ball for a six, I need to hit it out of the ground and then I need to hope that the umpire does not know the rules and signals it as an eight, instead of six. Will try it. You never know.

And then came evening. Met up with this junior of mine, from NMIMS as well. Coffee at Brio’s after nearly a century. Alrite, not quite a century, make that decade. But yeah, basically, Brio’s seemed both changed and unchanged. For starters, Bryan Adams was not getting played. The service was much quicker, both while serving the menu card and the bill. Not quite so while serving a choco-caramel drink. Secondly, WWF on Ten Sports still seemed their favourite serial. Thankfully, it was my junior friend who bore the brunt of the same. Not me. But it was a one hour well spent, in which I realized two things. One, I have got an year older. And two, it is not such a bad thing being a senior!

Alrite, now I am a bit tired writing this monologue. Though someone told me that monologues are normally spoken, not written. But what the hell. It is 1 in the night and too tired to even think of suitable retorts to my own “one-liners”. I could do with more of such days. At least these days. At least for a week till I stop thinking of writing a book on two point someone, and start dreaming about a three point someone. But, then will the book remain a novelty, if I do achieve three? Probably, given that people may be fooled into buying the same, thinking it is out of ten. Probably. Just probably.

Too much packed in one day. And though it was enjoyable, I am really looking forward to the peace and tranquil of Chandigarh. Soon honey...soon!

I feel like ending the way I begun. Aaha….JLT

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Best Friend!

I never believed in the concept of having a “Best Friend”. That was best suited for Shah Rukh and Kajol in Kuchh Kuchh Hota Hai or Julia Roberts and Dermot Mulroney in My Best Friend’s Wedding. I never believed in it. For me it was (is) always a set of close friends, and another set of just – friends (not the ‘just friends’ of the Page 3 fame!).

Till recently that is.

Recently I realized something very unique. And I was not even thinking on those lines. It just stuck me like lightening striking the deserts of Rajasthan. I did have a “Best Friend”. A friend, with whom I could talk, behave, ridicule, criticize, quarrel, patch up, joke and a lot of such other verbs, as I wanted to, without any second thoughts. And believe you me, if someone starts to accept my jokes without any issues, then, apart from been very patient, the person would also need to be a Buddha. And I hadn’t realized this all this while.

She was that friend that has been my closest ever, and now as see it, the best ever friend that I have got. Ever got. And I didn’t even realize it before I saw myself getting that halo on my head.

Times really pass by, in Schumacher-like manner, when I am with her.\nAnd I have no qualms in accepting that I never understood this earlier. Took me some time, took me some effort, but am wiser nonetheless. Really wish to be with her sooner than later.

As she always says, wishes…wishes!

Partying by making chapatis!

Monumental. Extraordinary. Outstanding. Outrageous.

I would have never thought that I would make my first 'chapati' today, but I did just that.

It petered out like this. We were a group of six that were supposed to meet. For various reasons and excuses, four backed out. It was Reena and me left. So we decided to party at her house by making chapatis.

Alrite, not quite that. But the first portion of this part is quite true, I did make two.

I am so proud of myself! Just reached home and almost feel like waking mum up and telling. She would be proud of me as well! Almost feeling at the top of the world. Well, almost.

Well, and yeah, they were edible. Very very edible. I had them with the gravy, and I am fit and fine three hours after the event as well. So, they were not bad, alrite?

Hopefully, tomorrow is a similar story!

Monday, July 09, 2007


A Long, winding, tiring but an interesting day comes to an end.

That begun with meeting up with the Cricket guys, continued with the placecom guys, and the interviews, and ended with dinner with the NMIMS guys.

And since the sleep refused to enter into the eyes for more than an hour at a stretch, last night, today should be a much better sleep-night, everything combined together. Hopefully.

But, I surely have become a creature of nocturnal habits. Aah well, I was never an early sleeper, but then again, never too late as well. These days, I have.

Anyways, coming back to the day, had many experiences of people giving funnier answers to funny questions. Too lazy to jot them all down, but it sure oscillated between downright arbitrary to damn hilarious sometime.

Tomorrow's another day, 'market' beckons. Surprisingly, Udyan Mukherjee seems to have a lot of fan following amongst the NMIMS junior batch. I am definitely one 'em!

Yawwnnnnn.....off I go!

Saturday, July 07, 2007


I am dazed now. Amazed as well.

This has been that kind of a week. Fluctuating between huge extremes.

And today was no different. Someone in college said something about me, which totally took me by surprise, in a very pleasant way, and very frankly, came from a person I least expected it to come from. It was the high point of my day. In fact, if I discount my friend's engagement, it was the highest personal point of the last one month or so. Seriously. Three months back, I would not have ever imagined something like this. This exact moment I was flying in the sky.

And now this. The lowest point. Of a long time. Come thudding back to the ground. And again, from someone I least expected it. Frankly, I do not sympathise with myself on this one. Just that I have never experienced some thing like this before. Just that the true gamut of emotions and feelings that I go through now, and probably, due to the events leading up to this, are inexpressible. They are too pent up. And probably, they would never come out.

Feel like a kid who's been given a toffee for no plausible reason, and just when he's wondering why, he's been slapped hard across his cheek. Again, no plausible reason.

Something else happened as well after all this. Sometime after all this, I was sitting in my room, staring at the screen when mum entered the room. I pretended to do something on my laptop. She kissed me on my forehead, and said, everything would be alrite.

Huh? What and how did she guess?

The Surprise of the Week! Probably the month! Or the year!

Now now. What do we have here?

I am stting peacefully in my classroom. Someone's on with Market Research and why should MacDonald's stop doling out free toys to kids and go for CDs instead. Our point of view has barely been heard.

I make a point on why the location is so important while deciding whether the kids should be given toys or CDs or the burger. Or some such crap.

Suddenly the phone vibrates. Friend calling.

Shhhh....it's been almost a month since you called, and now you call me when I am having an intellectually stimulating discussion about MacDonald's and it's strategy to sell toys to kids.

Or was it burgers? Anyways, more importantly, you call when I am in the class. Can't receive your call buddy. And that means, I would need to spend money on calling you back. Damn.

(Yeah, I can hear those catcalls behind on how 'cheap is that')!

I cut the call before my neighbour thinks it's an earthquake causing the vibrations.

I sms back. "In the class, what happened?"

She replies back. "Nothing much. Just that I am gettin engaged."

Yeah, and pigs will fly. And I am Tom Cruise. And MacDonalds started to give free DVD players instead of toys in their Happy Meals.

I reply back. "Huh?"

July fool's day.

No reply.

I wait.

No reply.

Could pigs actually fly? I wonder.

Finally when the MacDonald's discussion is nearing the beginning of it's end, I sms back again.

"You mean, you are trying to tell me, you getting engaged to a two legged, chalta-firta (walking-talking) GUY?"

"Lol, yeah I am. To a guy. This weekend."

Ab tak toh theek thi. Ab kya hua isko.

No. I pinch myself. Hard. The MacDonalds discussion is in it's final stages. So far, the professor has tried to replace the toy with evey plausible object you can think of.

I can only think of the engagement. She is getting engaged???

I sms back. "You sure?"

No reply.

Lecture's still fifteen minutes away from it's closure.

I need to call her up. Now. Immediately.

No result to the MacDonald's discussion. Professor's stuck to her point. The rest of the class disagree. MacDonalds itself seems oblivious. So do I.

The lecture ends. I call her up.

"You seriously getting engaged?"

"No kidding!"

"Like this week?"


"I dont believe you."

"Even I do not!!!"

The rest of the conversation is a blur.

I am still lost over lunch. Could it be possible.

This was Tuesday. Today is Friday.

She got engaged today. Seriously she did!

Congratulations buddy!!! Now, I can say that without any doubts!!!

Awesome.....just too awesome!!! Seriously....!!!

Celebrated by having a McChicken Burger at MacDonald.

Arrghhhh...that MacDonald's again.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Sleepless with Mission Impossible (in Hindi)

What's wrong with my sleep? Become one hell of an insomic! Sleep at three, wake up at 8, barely doze off in the afternoon, feel zoned out through the day, but still not able to correct this habit. Phew...need a better sleep cycle, probably exert myself through the day, and then try sleeping early.

Sleep is definitely one thing I can do with.

Generally I 'spend' my time till three, chatting away with long lost (and now found friends!). Yesterday night was funny. Watched a movie. Mission Impossible. Which wasn't funny by itself. The funnier part was that it was in Hindi! First such experience. And believe you me, if you ever tried watching one for kicks, watch an action packed thriller. It would turn out to be better than Sivaji. Surely.

Picture this. A distraught Tom Cruise, speaking in a voice similar to those guys in Hindi, from any of the Tele Shopping ads, sonorous and bored sounding "Claire, utho Claire, sun rahi ho....?"

Code Names = Naqli Naam...oops!

Some more of them...

"Yahan coffee ki machine milegi? pata nahi aap isse kya kahengey, par mai isse Ghaaslate ka Sherbet kahoonga." Ghaaslate ka Sherbet??? Eeeks!!!

"Tumhaari aankhen nasheelee hain..."

A guy gives Tom Cruise a pseudo - bubble gum, which acts as a smoke bomb, and says...

"Chaba mat lena." Chaba mat lena??? Hehe!

"Mere paison ki hera pheri kee, toh mai tumhe jaan se maar doonga." Dharmendra ishhtyle!

"Toh Kitrich gaddar hai, My God, theek kahaa." MY GOD? Ohh my God!!!

Lady asks, "Battery check ki thi tumne?"
Answer, "Woh toh mai hamesha karta hoon."
"Zabaan mat chalaao, fir se check karo."

And this one takes the cake....Tom Cruise starts to develop a 'crush' on 'Jim''s wife.
Jim says, "Woh kehete hain na, tum apne padosi ki biwi par, kabhi nazar mat daalo."

Spilts....I was in splits!!!

The usual "Soo-ar ke bachhey" made it's obvious presence felt!

They id not dare to change the all-so-famous MI theme, the saving grace for me. Thank God for very very small mercies!!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Challenge

They say that the first few steps are the most difficult. I really hope it is for a fact.
Because, I get a feeling that I got a mountain to climb, and if the first step is anything to go by, then, this is going to be a rough and rocky ride.

Unfortunately, there is no turning back. There is no scope for that for sure. And yeah, I want to climb this mountain as well, personally. Would be huge on my resume called Life. Would be bigger for my own self. And that itself would be one big step forward.

Would be a first, and would give me immense pleasure to do it. Just need to egg myself on, not to give up. It is win-at-all-costs or.....


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Let Go by Frou Frou

A friend send me this song, 'Let Go' by Frou Frou. Nice lyrics.

It is about this person
telling another to just let go
and not hold back anything
no fears nothing
just let it go
the pleasure that follows when you break down
after you breakdown...
the light feeling
like everything is back to normal.

Have heard it twice, and I think it is one of those ones, tht should grow on to me.

Here are the lyrics...

drink up, baby down
mmm, are you in or are you out
leave your things behind'
cause it's all going off without you
excuse me,
too busy you're writing your tragedy
these mishaps
you bubble wrap
when you've no idea what you're like
so let go, jump in
oh well, whatcha waiting for
it's alright'
cause there's beauty in the breakdown
so let go, just get in
oh, it's so amazing here
it's alright'cause there's beauty in the breakdown
it gains the more it gives
and then it rises with the fall
so hand me that remote
can't you see that all that stuff's a sideshow
such boundless pleasure
we've no time for later now
you can't await your own arrival
you've 20 seconds to comply
so let go, jump in
oh well, whatcha waiting for
it's alright
'cause there's beauty in the breakdown
so let go, just get in
oh, it's so amazing here
it's alright
'cause there's beauty in the breakdown

Yeah baby!

...and the windfall continues! The first installment safely in my pocket, the much awaited mail in my inbox, and today, another potential offer in the pipeline! Couple that with what my Portfolio's done for me and the other account I hold, today, and you got a purrrfectttt day!

Rare set of days, when everything goes your way, and you are at absolute peace with yourself and with others. May change all too quickly, but, what the hell, enjoy while it lasts!

Would have been a 'sone pe suhaaga' had the India-Pak. match not got rained off, but, suffice to say that, this has been a set of two of the better days for some time!

Thank you all!

Monday, July 02, 2007

The day today, first in IInd year

The first day of college went pretty unnoticed till about the time I reached home. Except for the commotion and chaos regarding our time tables. This is one thing that elicits the same amount of anticipation as it did when I was in school. Getting to know one's time table. Especially, when we all are equally excited about knowing the day we get an off from college. Anyways, did not get the final one today, and should not expect it till before the 9th, when the things get settled.

We did have one lecture today, on Retail Management, a three hour long marathon on....
nothing. Alrite, it was an introductory class, so it was bound to be on nothing, and marathon because it lasted for three hours more than I am used to. I will reserve my judgement about the professor till about couple of classes get done, but I would not hesitate to say that it was not boring. The professor played to the gallery many times, and had a certain conviction about him that seemed refreshing.

Post class, and post a longish trip to the library, managed to convince DS for lunch at sitting Rasraj. I seriously do not understand what is it with having to convince people into having lunch there, once in a while. But, it is a great test of one's Marketing skills. Marketing a product that is not even yours, and doing it successfully is an art, and I was successful today! It is a different matter, that, some bird on my shoulder tells me that, this is not going to get repeated again for a long long time!

Then came the set of two GOOD news. The seven thousand bucks bonanza and the cricket article website. More on both of them as the things peter out, because, the same is not sure as yet. But all in all, a good beginning!

The signs are good...

the night

in this quite quiet of the night, when sleep's deserted me like some of the others, I remember.

the reality hits hard sometimes, and these are some of the ocassions.

when it is very night-like, and it is darker than ink and it is pouring from the skies.

i remember.

and the memories hit harder than the reality. the nostalgia is steeper than the pain.

i wonder what makes me feel what I feel at this very moment. probably it is the old pictures. probably some thing else.

this is pleasure. this is good. this forebodes what i think will happen in the future.

or it is just the night having it's effect on me.

but i do remember. i dont forget.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Mumbai Rains bring families together!

TGIW! Thank God it's Weekend, else, things could just have been lot worse.

That, and now, we know what to expect. A little more than little rain, and we need to feel scared, intimidated, roughed up, and stay at home.

Which is good.

Which is what we did after Friday. See, we have become smarter now. Small matter that, we have already had 3 false alarms before this, and we will continue having 'em till the end of monsoon. After all, work's not everything. The Government also needs to look after our health, and in this day and age, in this time of stress, we need some time to ourselves. The Government realizes this and hence, does nothing of note, and in turn entices us to remain indoors.

Our health's taken care of, Government beating becomes a new stress-buster, and it fosters a concept of family, which we seem to have forgotten today. Full marks to the Government on this one.

Above and below are two of the photos that I managed to capture on my modest digi-cam. This was Mahim, one of the 'non-affected' areas due to rain. I wonder how do the rest of 'em look. How many families remained at home and blessed the guys ruling the city. I am sure many would have.