Friday, July 13, 2007

An evening at Oven Fresh

Without getting into the detailed description of the day, that I seemed to be getting too much into these days, I can easily vouch for the fact that it was one of the more interesting and exciting days for some time. After last evening's dinner with NP, DvD and DS at Stomach, this was Oven Fresh with Radhika, and catching up with her is a refresher course on how to be the best, and still have one's feet firmly planted in the ground.

People who know her would agree. And that is only one part of the story. The other and the more important is, that she is a close, close friend! So, talking to her gets us back to the enginering days of TSEC. But surprisingly, the topics do not subside there, they incorporate all the "gossips" in our personal life worth mentioning ranging from the MBA gyaan, Cricket write ups, common friends, uncommon friends, friend's friends, and their friends, girl friends, Love Marriages, Arranged Marriages, Child Marriages, Child Labor...and what not!

And then there is Kajol. She has to do a Kajol. Unfortunately, the count just does not cease. Unfortunately I cannot go much into the depths of Kajolness, lest I get hit, but that is what happens all the time. Just wish that Ashish was here, and it would have been recounting it to him. The Kajol-count was three today.

And now this wonderful lady goes off to France for an exchange program. Last time she went to USA, she got me a watch...this time....? *ok, after calling her Kajol so openly, I dont really think I deserve anything!*

A small mention about Oven Fresh where we met for dinner. The place has changed, but still managed to keep the charm and finesse that all of us associated it with. The non vegeterian menu has gone out of the window, and this is one place that I so want non-vegeterian food. And people who know me, know that I am not a non-veg. fan. Apart from that, the section that they have opened in the outer half, seems to be a smart move at the outset, but, it dilutes the overall ambience. I will go upto the extent of saying that it even dilutes the inner ambience. But even with this dilution, I would love to frequent it more often.

I would give it a 7 on 10 overall!

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