Friday, July 27, 2007

Oh...what a day!

What a day...what a wonderful day! And at the end of it all, I just realised that, I actually managed two trips from Mahim to Parle and back. Surprises never cease.

It all begun with a close friend's birthday and wishing her in the morning. We were supposed to meet up, subject to her availability, which unfortunately did not materialize. But, as they say, when one door closes, another one opens. Or at least a window.

It all began with the Inauguration day. Of our college. After one year and some days of actually joining it. And after twenty six years of it's own existence. Wonder why they call it that. Anyways, I also realised that it was worth fifteen marks. Yeah, inauguration day attendance was worth fifteen marks, out of which, one mark was reserved for the existence of my Identity Card. Some other marks for the blazer and the tie. One for the lapel pin. Probably some for the shirt and trousers as well. And for... Alrite, let me not go down that road now.

But my point is, I did end up losing a mark. I was not wearing one of the above.

The Inauguration itself mut have been good. In fact, it would have been awesome. Just that I do not know much. For obvious reasons. Did not attend it!

We (and by we, I mean the seven of us) secretly sneaked out (Secret Seven?) and cladestinely paid Barista a visit. And we talked. Talked about pretty serious, important stuff. Understanably, seven potential MBAs would obviously talk nothing else, aint it?

Yeah, especially when you include Doordarshan serials, Bhooley Bisre Movies, Mithun Chakraborthy(sorry Shubro, if I got that spelling wrong!), Rajani and others, and God only knows what all. Mind you, all serious stuff alrite? And for how long? You could do your Math, but we started at 1130, and were driven out of there at 1430.

And oh, I forgot to add, it was pouring outside. I was wearing white. I had no umbrella. I had no windcheater. I got wet.

Home coming happened for a couple of hours and then...came the highlight of the whole evening. The bottom line. The punch line. And the whole lot of others names one can think of.

I took a cab to Juhu. And the cab guy turned out to be the Star. Note the word Star with a capital S. That is what he was, and one would have to be there to understand it. This man was a slow talker, but, spoke like he knew me for the last thirty six years. Or even one hundred and thirty six years. And again, we spoke about many topics under the sun. He began by asking me why was I going to Juhu.

"Going to watch a play."

"Hindi or English?"


"Ok, I have watched many plays there. In Hindi."


"Have you watched....." He names some play.


"Hindi play, directed by....." Names a director.


"I generally drive for him when he directs or performs."

"Thats good." I dont know what else to say.

"I actually do not always drive a cab."

"Oh, so what else do you drive?"

"Cab, auto, cars etc"

"Your own?"

"Yeah." Nonchalantly.

All of a sudden I felt like I was in a chaffeur driven car, and not just another cab.

The conversation petered about like this for some time, in which he claims to know many 'celebrities' from the theater and music world. Till he asked me....

"So, which college are you in?"

"NMIMS. Not the NM commerce college, NMIMS." I reiterate this, because I am sure, he would confuse it with NM.

He says he knows. I think, yeah right he does!

Then he delivers the knock out punch.

"Do you know Ms. Bindi Mehta?"

Yes I do. A professor from my college. I keep mum for some time. Then I ask him how he knows it. He gives me some vague explanation, but I am hardly listening. World's a small place after all!

He manages to deliver me in time for the play. I am surprised I am not the last to arrive. Manav arrives almost after me. But then begins the long grinding wait for Abhishek. In the meantime, we are approached by at least three good looking ladies for the ticket. Well ok, I will remove the good looking from there. Lest...!

So, Abhishek makes his entry like Shah Rukh Khan of the Dil Toh Paagal Hai fame, just when the guy at the reception (reception??) is about to ring the last bell. The poor gals, who were hoping for the tickets did not get 'em. Sad. Feel sorry. Damn. Sh**.

As far as I remember, we were eleven of us. The play by itself was good. Almost great. Liked the entire play, but really what stood out for me was the impersonation by one of the artiste of a Maharashtrian lady. Mind Blowing is the word that comes to mind.

Dinner followed quickly after, and then, back home again. Tired, drenched, weary, but the good life continues. Enjoying it till it lasts!

And a very small mention of the shock of the day. Sensex fell by almost 550 points, the third largest fall in it's history. And realty stocks led the fall. The miracle here was, that I had sold off 90% of my realty stocks yesterday. Miracles really never cease! And yeah, wish my dear buddy a very happy birthday!

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