Visa application process is terrible. Especially when it is for a country like Australia. I must have doled out reams of pages worth of documentation for the same, enough to make a tree out of the same. Rather, a whole, fully-grown tree would have been used to cater to the paper used. And they want some more.
Unlike Aamir in Ghajini, I do not suffer from an amnesia of any sort, and I do not remember having spent too much time behind the bars; yet, the documentation could have been enough to put the fear of its maker in any criminal. Probably, it was something to do with the fact that they worship Ricky Ponting in the same vein that most Indians idolize a certain Sachin Tendulkar, and my comments about Ponting’s captaincy were not been taken too kindly by those also concerned with the visa.
Anyways, I needed a bank statement from HDFC, the bank where I hold one of my accounts. They had sent it for all months between June and December, but October had been conveniently missed. Not a big problem per se, but Uncle Australia minds. So…call customer care.
Her: Dial 1 for….2 for…3…. (the usual)…also dial 13 for…23 for…35 for…. (so now they have gone into double digits)…yawn….100 to talk to police…101 for ambulance…102 for fire brigade… Don’t remember half the numbers I dialed to finally get through…
Another her: Hello, this is (some name I don’t remember), how can I help?
Me: (Tell her about October problem)
Another her (AH): Alright…please give me your…(a list of security checks)
Me: (share all the not-so-gory details)
AH: Alright, so you want to lodge a complaint for non-receivement?
Me: (receivement does not sound good, does it?), No Ma’am, this is not a complaint, just want my statement, would be more than happy.
AH: Then you need to talk to Relationship Manager.
Me: And where is he?
AH: No, I mean, you need to talk to YOUR Relationship Manager
Me: Do I have one? Which relationships does he look after?
AH: Yours.
Me: Huh?
AH: Your relationships with our bank.
Me: Oh, alright. (I guess I am slow)
AH: So, do you want me to set you up with your relationship manager?
Me: (the words ‘set you up’ and ‘relation’ don’t sound too ‘banking’ when used together)
Me: Yeah, whatever, if that expedites the process.AH: Okay, will put you on hold for a minute. She forgets to put me on hold, so the call is NOT on MUTE. AH (to another customer care person next to her): What idiots, I have to not only take his complain, but he also expects me to set a call-back with RM
Person next to her: Yeah, but is your phone muted?
AH: Oops…(quickly puts it on mute) A minute elapses…
AH: Hello Sir, I have logged the complaint and arranged for a call-back. Your complaint number is….Anything else that I can do for you.
Me: Yeah Ma’am, try abusing customers after using the mute button.
AH: Ohh…
Me: Thanks, bye. I hang up.
I was in office. Over-worked for the day. No inclination to fight being called an idiot. Christmas Eve and all…Christmas spirit and all… I stretched and yawned. Long day ahead. Something tells me that AH’s day may seem a little longer today.
I yawned again
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
another hiatus, another of those occasions when the 'pause' button got pressed for a rather long period of time. and as expected, too much water has passed from under the bridge since the last time i made a mark here. here is what transpired.
1. and i won't even get started on 26th November. it hurts. still.
2. then there was that small matter of almost no longer remaining single. almost. but in another month, that 'almost' would most definitely disappear. sadly.
i did not say that. swear.
3. then, it is the work. the interesting one and the not-so-interesting one. the interesting one continues as is, the not-so-one threatens to stop. so what, one may ask. fret not, i have had the same question. wasn't this what i wanted too. and the form in which it may arrive could very well be termed as what they call, 'blessing-in-disguise'. will have to myself watch this space for more.
4. australia is 8000 km away from india. currently it seems more like 8000 light years. something tells me that for all the criticism that a ricky ponting was meted out with from me on my columns, the aussie embassy looks hell-bent on denying visa. ok, ponting is not as bad as indians made him out to be.
again. i did not say that. swear.
5. spoke with a long-lost classmate of mine from school. the conversation was a long-winding one, through the lanes of the unforgettable and the forgotten, through the recesses of wilderness, and that of embarassments. crushes, loves, crushes that turned into loves, and the ones that failed miserably, the ones that reached the doorsteps and were turned away, the ones that converted itself into brotherly loves, and the ones that sacrificed for a friend; they were all there. the jogging back teased us, and tickled the ribs out till it was time to snooze.
later made an overtly important and startling discovery that the respective better halves have their birthdays within a couple of days of ours. the eureka moment of the conversation.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
5th November, 2008 and more...
The day came and went as quickly as any other day. The so-called butteflies died way before they had their effect, and the evening flew past as quickly as a tomorrow that converts itself into yesterday. I was exhausted, partly due to the running around - in the exact sense of the word - and partially due to a diminishing level of stamina that I have begun to possess.
I was satisfied. Deep down, I was happy. More than four years had been a long time. I would be lying if I said that I had waited for this day for all those four years, but there is no doubt in my mind that ever since the major troubles had erupted last March, I couldnt have dreamt about anything.
For all the different sets of people around on the day, I thought I was unusually calm from within. I had worried a little a day earlier because I loathe crowds - I usually hated giving presentations in college as well - but in the end, it had passed off miraculously well. In fact, I do not recollect most of the things, such was the daze - and hence the haze - that I was in.
As I write this, on a coolish Mumbai night, as the clock ticks another second, inching its way to 1 a.m., I cannot help but feel a little nostalgic. In fact, today's incidents have left me in a rather pot-pourrish-state; extremely happy for someone, puzzled by something, sad due to another, and to an extent, irritated by something else.
Yet, the reasons gel to leave me thinking of turning back the time, and changing a few things here and there. And yet again, I do not want to. I want to just look back, and wonder and ponder.
I would give anything to sit next to the bus-stop in front of Lacoste. For once. For a month.
I would give anything to have been away from people I shouldnt have met in the first place.
I would give anything to smell a friend's lawn's mud, where we spent an hour every month.
I love this tingling sensation that I feel right now. Nostalgic hits me hard, and well.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Random thoughts...and all that
Again, it has been some time. Long time. But this dual nature of occupation, that includes my avocation (GRE word, look it up) swallows up the time without thinking too many times, like a lizard on the wall does to a fly. Or a python to a rabbit. Or someone else to another someone. I forget both the names here. (of the someone)
Not even twice it thinks.
No excuses, and no, frankly, for a change I have not even been lazy.
Talking about the stuff in life, the C-day is coming closer; yes, that is right, the day before the D-day. D-day happens much later. The realisation dawning slowly, but the 'dress-rehersal' before the D-day should tell me how I feel.
Talking of this previous line, I have been asked - as is the people's wont - about how I feel. And I shall reiterate the same that I have, above. Haven't got much chance to let the thinking process to even commence; let alone the hows, whats and the what-ifs of the whole process.
Lately, I have been suffering from a new syndrome. It is called the 'Sleepless Sunday-night Syndrome' or SSS. As the name suggests, SSS strikes on Sundays (with the exception being any other weekday holiday that is followed by a working day), and gets into a debate with my eyes at that exact time when I hit the bed on a Sunday night. It vetos the fundamental rights of sleeping soundly, till much after the stress induced by the realisation that a client-call next day late in the evening would mean really long hours at work push the eyes wide-awake. This forms the input to another syndrome that others know as the Monday Morning Blues (MMB).
For me, the MMB is just an extension of SSS, and can be really damaging in certain scenarios; especially with the kind of role that I need to perform. Anyways...
Oh and yes, today is Diwali. Holiday. Which means that a minor tremor of a variation of SSS may be felt today as well. Luckily, I have had a tiring day, and so, could probably help my cause.
And to end this 'random' piece, there is good news. Had a conversation with a couple of them today, and the list of 'clientele' has been propped up again. November should be good.
Yawn...I am sleepy. Might just not be hit by SSS today.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Arbit thoughts
Lessons/experiences/secrets from the recent past:
1. Getting out of the proverbial jail is always a good thing. However, it is much better, to avoid getting inside it.
2. Some think that pretending to do one good overshadows the one bad they have done. I wonder why. Probably they think that the rest of them are dimwits. Probably.
3. Cricket World Cup years have not been so good so far for me. 1992 saw me have chicken pox, 2003 saw a break-up, and 2007 saw a motley of events that attempted to screw happiness. Attempted only. Did not actually. Of the three, the chicken pox was the worst; the doctor did not allow me to watch the matches as they would aggravate the same. Kuchh bhi man.
4. I love reality shows. How much ever stage managed they are, I do. But I have used my mobile phone to vote out someone only once. It was Rakhee Sawant in the first season of Bigg Boss.
5. Talking of her, my feelings for Ms. Sawant are as lovely as for some of them whom I met in the last couple of years. Lesser said the better though, public channel here and all.
6. Continuing with Ms. Sawant, argggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh....the only reaction that comes to mind.
7. Moving on, it is good to move on. And it is the most difficult thing to do.
8. The worst of times sometimes bring out the best of results. And in more ways of than one. No, I have not copied this from a book on philosophy, a first hand experience talking.
9. I recently was a spectator to an appraisal cycle. I mut say that almost all the people took the whole thing very well.
10. Whatever goes around, comes around. Patience is the key. Someone frustrated yours truly in the month of May because the person did not respond to me. Three months down the line, I became the person's primary requirement. With no hard feelings, I can only say that I could not have been gladder to have spoken to the person. Amazing things in store.
11. Opportunity really comes when one ain't looking. Most do not realise it is an opportunity. Nor did I. I just got lucky.
12. Beyond a certain point, money means nothing.
13. Beyond a certain point, most people also mean nothing.
14. It is time that Sachin Tendulkar thinks about his life after cricket. His body would now be creaking on every movement that he makes. Dude, have you heard of this punctuation called full stop?
15. The same goes for some other cricketers as well.
16. Why is Harshad Warsi not hosting Bigg Boss-II? Shilpa Shetty is good looking and all that, but not half as good as what Messr Warsi was.
17. In case you still don't get it, I dislike Rakhee Sawant from the bottom of heart. They say it is good to have someone so in-your-face so that one does not back-stab. In your face does not mean that you spit in your face and get away, aint it?
Itna-ich for now. Will be back with more in some days.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Too surprised
Second post in two days. I must be kidding.
Rather, today, there is a feeling of vindication. A sense of 'I-told-you-so'. And a sense of high ended irritation about what has actually happened. In the end my perception about this particular person did come out right, only problem being that it does not help me any more and the person has managed to screw up things for some other people.
I can only be thankful that I did not succumb to what one could have at that time, and took the way out.
I would not be too off the mark if I said that this person was the best fake I have seen in my time of existence. Best because it has taken many of us over months and years to realise this. So dear person, you rocked while you could, unfortunately, you managed to rock people's life now. And thats the saddest thing you could. I pity you.
And I pity some others around.
It's all happening
Clearly it looks like I have moved on. That is definitely not the truth. I still miss you and think about you daily. But had no time whatsoever, to talk to you.
My dear blog.
Normally, updating on what is happening in life was a daily activity. But the way the events have shaped up in my life in the last couple of months have ensured that the only time that I could ever deem as free were the eight hours of snooze that I managed through the night. Someone asked me a question. Where had I disappeared.
I said I was in heaven. No, I was alive. Yet, I was there.
In heaven.
Oh, and for that matter, I still am.
Very soon, and I am talking of a period of around an year, or probably even lesser than that, I would have to make a decision. A call. A very tough one at that. Shall see after that.
As for updates, Accenture's good. I would not mind sticking my head out and saying that this was exactly the profile I was aiming for, around two years back, when MBA had just begun. So, it does make me happy. Having said that, the difference in these two years is that things have changed. Drastically. And in more ways than one. I am closer to my dream than I ever was. Ever thought I could be. This latest twist in the tale has been as surprising as an Alfred Hitchcock thriller and has put me in a quandry. A quandry I would want to be in, any day.
For now, its all happening.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Updates and more...
Another long hiatus, another neglect! But then, such is life that when one gets better things, one forgets the good ones! Just like I have forgotten my blog. Or not exactly forgotten, but probably put it into the deep recesses of the mind, making it difficult for me to get it out of there.
The update from my life has been good enough. The rendezvous with cricket writing continues to yield good results for me, and I am getting convinced about certain things associated with it by the minute. With the job at Accenture coming around, the writing has happened at a feverish pace, but it has definitely helped me that I have shifted to a house which is exactly six minutes away from my office.
The flip to that obviously is that the next time I bunk office - like is my wont - I would not have the excuse that it seemed so far!
There are indications, that the work would barrage me with its presence in the coming week or so, for now its more of the document reading and self based training. So, its pretty chilled. The cafeterias in the office are humongous and ther are atleast eight different caterers around. I have gone on an experimenting spree and am trying out a new dish every meal, and I can safely vouch for the fact that it would take me a zillion years and more to try every bit on the menu. I hope I stick to the job that long. So far, there have not been too many favourites though.
Getting back to the rented appartment, have shifted in with a couple of guys, one of whom was an acquaintance earlier. Its been fun so far, though I must admit that I have spoilt his habits by making them watch the boring, one-sided cricket matches of the Asia Cup. And post that, we have also had the fortune of viewing a couple of movies on my laptop.
Speaking of which, my lappy seems to be on the last stretch of its life. As if the constant crashing - at the rate of once every couple of hours - was not good enough, it has started to cause me some hair raising experiences; er, its battery lasts for fifteen minutes flat, and once put on the charger, it becomes untouchable with the shocks it emanates! Such is life!
Back to my microcosm called cricket. Yo.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
After a long time...
I have almost neglected this blog and afforded it step-motherly treatment, but then I have a valid, genuine reason. And no, it is not the writers' block, or the bloggers' block that one does encounter quite so often. It has been something else.
Not often one ends up doing something that one loves, and in turn getting paid handsomely for it too. When you combine that with your full-time job, it is a lethal enough combination to keep you away from blogging for some time! Precisely why the hiatus on this space!
For starters, office's begun in full flow, and although, it is not as hectic as it could get in times to come, the travelling is really getting to me. Two years of a honeymoon called MBA has made me so used to the 'aishon-aaram' that Vikhroli seems a couple of light years away. But then, the person I am, even the local grocery store looks quite far, so does my hair dresser, the post office, my bank, my Wester Union Money Transfer counter...basically you get the gist. So, the commuting is killing, and the heavy rains followed by the even more muggy climate has made thngs a little intolerable.
I must thank my stars though, for the role that I have got. It is exactly what I expected it to when I started my MBA a couple of years back, and that is not something a lot can boast of. Whether it continues in the same vein remains to be seen, but we shall cross the river when we even think of setting out to get there.
For now, cricket has - as always - dominated my life; the real reason for this absence. The office day is usually between 8 and 8, and the rest of the time is dedicated to the completion of a truck load of cricket articles for a slew of websites. In fact, it gives me immense pleasure - that sounded so Vice-Chancellorish - to say that, I have had my column post come out on this website here. That I am thrilled is an obvious understatement. However, to put it in perspective, there are many more miles to go before I even decide to take a snooze, let alone thinking of sleeping.
Talking of sleep, it is on a strict bumper-to-bumper basis. As mentioned earlier, office is 8 to 8, cricket is 9-12, and sleep is 12 to 7. Full-stop. Nothing more, and God forbid if sometime I fail to sleep by 12 - a rarity so far given that by 12, I type with my eyes closed sometimes - I am a goner next day.
Yet, I am enjoying this life. I really am. This was something I dreamed of all my life. And it is just a start! If I ever was to jot down a thank you speech- and mind you, it is too erly yet - it would consist of a couple of obvious names, but also one of Mr Lalit Modi and that of another lady whose face I cannot stand, would top the list; for different reasons. For want of cordiality - if ever there was such a word - I would refrain from using language that could be termed as 'Parliamentary', but rest assured, the venom towards her was channelised by me in a direction that gives me immense pleasure today. As for Modi is concerned, if it wasnt for him, it would have been no IPL and no chances at all, whatsoever.
And in the end, I think that the 'business' of cricket is here to stay, to grow and expand, and provide for a lot of opportunities to many peripheral guy like me. But if I discount myself for the minute, I also think it is a great chance for other businesses to thrive on this sport, and for those brilliant, start-up-oriented guys around, do think of a business model that could be based on this sport, and yet be different from the rest. And if you need, I could assist you as well, cricket consulting is just about the nearest I could get to consulting!
Monday, June 02, 2008
Praise is good. It always is. I enjoy it as much as anyone else.
I am enjoying it presently as well.
But, right now, I need something more. I need a crystal ball to gauge why is it so forthcoming. And do I really deserve it. And the repercussions. As you can see, the confusion from the previous post continues.
Anyone? I mean, for the crystal ball?
Sunday, June 01, 2008
क्या करें क्या ना करें यह कैसी मुश्किल हाई !
It is the 1st June. At least officially, with the clock having just ticked over the twelve mark.
And I am very exhausted, its been that kind of a day. And very confused.
It begun with a late night yesterday, as I managed to catch a wink only at 4.30 - yeah, in the morning - before waking up at 8. If this was not enough, I was lucky enough to have a good friend call me over to Churchgate to meet him, but the heat sapped whatever little energy that remained. To add to that, I sat through the whole first half of IPL's second semi-final, before deciding that my body had had enough and I need to get home.
Here I am, devouring away at a pack of cooked Maggi, like someone who hasn't had a meal for some years and more.
Now the confusion. I know that it is soon going to be decision time, something that only I can take, and not rely on anyone else's judgement. Some pros, as many cons, and then there is a soup. In which I am.
The good thing is, that this soup tastes nice, it really does. But the the fact is, that I need to swim out soon, read, take a decision.
Hmmmm....what to do!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Tick tick tick...
I have less than fourteen days to myself. Only fourteen.
Need to 'live' every second of it as if its the last.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Hit me baby, one more time!
...listening to too much Britney Spears does that to you.
And why am I doing so...its got auto-added to my playlist...! have heard her twice already before realising the gravity of the situation.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
The Week that was...!
It has been quite a while since I posted here, and that is for a reason. For one, I was...and am having the time of my life, and for another, the time of the life was consuming a lot of time too. :-)
In fact, I wanted to write a post for sometime now, but was not getting the right opportunity. A couple of days back, I had written a post about something totally unexpected that happened with a friend, but did not post it immediately, simply because I wanted to let the 'anger' subside. After that happened, I decided not to, there was no point.
Even before that, I had got out of the house after a long time to meet another friend, and wanted to post about that good time - minus the blaring music - at Red Box, but, she had not sent (this one is for that lady who points out my spelling of sent!) the photographs that I wanted to put up, and so could not write much.
Now that I have recieved the pics, I can. So, the last Sunday, I met N, at Red Box, a restaurant I usually recommend to peoplewhen they ask me about good places in Bandra. I must say that it was a major let down, the music was as loud as one gets in a discotheque, making it virtually impossible to talk, the whole purpose of meeting someone after almost half an year.
Although, I must add that the food was nice, and the overall meet nicer. It was worth reliving some of the old school days - she is like an almost 15 year old friend - and some of the things that could have been differently in each of our lives, and some that were just right.
Apart from that, one other good happened in the past week. My computer guy extracted old data from my old hard drive, and transferred it to my lappy. And that consisted of around 3 GB of songs. Some cheesy, corny enough to make one's head spin, some not even worth mentioning here, but all of them strong enough to evoke a huge sense of nostalgia difficult to overcome. Alright, I can mention a couple of 'em, Ace of Base's 'Its a beautiful life' and Vikas Bhalla's Dhuan. There are 100 others...and currently, I am in the process of hearing them out.
It is fun.
In fact, the week's been fun! In more ways than one.
Now that is a good rhyme.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Yo...its my Life!
It is 2.20 a.m. I should have hit the bed long time back.
I have not. Just one more article to be written!
I am enjoying this feeling. It is fun. It is what I call living life my way, it is what epitomised by this picture so well...
Incidentally, this pic is taken at the famous Marine Drive of Mumbai, on a very heavy rainy day. Never enjoyed rain so much as I did that day. Marine Drive does that to you sometimes. :-)

Monday, May 12, 2008
A House Collapse
They say that first impressions are very often the last impressions.
I think, very few people remain the same over a substantial period of time, as they portrayed to the rest in that so called, first meeting. And far too often, like an old dilapilated house that gradually falls apart, they end up falling apart an showing their true self over some time. A couple of them are already getting chiselled away currently, I can see it. The 'leakage-in-thehouse' phenomenon has started.
I can see the collapse coming...very soon. Not before long, for sure.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
ये कहाँ फस गया मई!?
There are fools, and there are fools. And then, there are fools.
Unfortunately, I had the fortune of encountering them - luckily through mails only so far - and believe you me, I can sign on a blank paper that they are easily biggest of the lot I have come across so far. And unfortunately, given the easily accessibility of this piece of software - Blogger - for anyone, everyone and fools alike, I would not like to name 'em.
And simple because fools are capable of disrupting life like no other. And I can do with the mitigation of that kind of a risk.
It was my misfortune that I came across this motley, simply because of the term that they use, monopoly. The bunch has the monopoly of the trade, and unfortunately, I have had no other option to bear the brunt of the consequences. Monopolies rule the roost, sigh, and that is precisely what is happening in this case.
In a sense, it is fun. And surely, sometimes, it does get beyond fun, but for now, it is okay. Watching them not only tells me how NOT to conduct the business, but there are some traits that I could easily lern from 'em, when I need to harass and frustrate someone to the extent of tearing their hair apart! I have had a good crop this year so far - of my hair - so there are quite a few strands that remain, but I am sure not many would have survived their onslaught.
For now, I am wondering about my own folly.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
So many little time!
The last couple of days (I think I am beginning to love this phrase a lot), I have had the chance to talk to different people, from four different walks of life. Two of them I was talking to, after a considerable period of time, the third person - a blog friend, I spoke for the first time. The fourth was a guy who coincidentally managed to find me through some commonalities, and we chatted online. And some very interesting conversations ensued. The fifth was a college guy, with whom I managed to discuss cricket. I dont know how.
So let me get into this kind, generous mood, and say some nice things about all them. Some advice may just flow...may kindly bear with me! It was because, it felt nice talking to each one of them. Seriously.
Lady 1, much much younger. I think, one of the more mentally tough women I have seen. She can give you an impression that shes talking gibberish, but at the end of the talk, you realise that shes made purrfect sense. Talking with her, I also realised that the world is a small place, and it is shrinking by the minute. Serious set of coincidences. Anyways, just want to tell you lady-1, that when you take things into perspective, these things matter for nothing. And I did tell you what is that matters. let nothing else bother you. You will do just fine!
Lady 2. An Old friend. Same college. Somehow, the tapori instinct in me gets out while talking with her. Her only response...sheeeeeeeee. Yet, she encourages. Some people na! Anyways, another person, who could have lost a lot of sleep over some drastic things in life, but did not. Chose not to. Way to go. Having Fresh Lime Juice while you were having tequila was a nice experience. Not wishing you on your birthday and yet getting a treat out of you was nicer! ;-)
Lady 3. Yeh apunki lateshht blog friend. A very interesting conversation for a first time. Again, enjoyed it. Accent sounded nowhere like what I had visualised (what do you call the sound equivalent of visualise?) And jahaan tak our common 'likes' are concerned - and I am referring to this small world of bloggerville - dontcha worry, many fall in the same category I am sure. For the rest of the things, I shall tell you what someone told me just a day back. He told me "to hang in there, it would be fine". The context was different, but yeah, the crux is the same. Hang in buddy gal!
Guy 1: Chatted only once. A short one at that as well. But kaafi gyaan mila. And he gave me a couple of wonderful ideas, though inadvertently, I must admit. Opens an avenue for me. I want to know more. And frankly, I would want advice from this guy, dont think I am in the position to be doling it out to him :-)
Guy 2: Yeh banda paagal hai. And he ensures that noone else around him remains sane. The only sane conversations we can have is on cricket, and that is simply because he abhors the game. So he would talk about Rakhi Sawants as cheerleader, and the nocturnal habits of the moth that fly around at Mohali. And why do we have wicket keepers for a bowl out? Isko kya bolna. Buss ek-do phatkey dene ki zaroorat hai.
Baaki toh mast. Surprisingly, with so little time, I was able to talk to so many people. Enjoyed.
P.S. Peeya went for the Mohali match, and was disappointed that SRK did not entertain them all. So she did not enjoy the match. I am telling you, she didnt because I was not there. (runs)
Friday, May 02, 2008
The last two days...
The same question that a couple of people have asked me before, has kept reverberating in my ears the last couple of days. Why on earth did I do an MBA.
The last couple of days have ensured clarity in a couple of things though.
a. There is hope. If there is a will, there is much more than only hope, there is a definite way.
b. It is never too late in life.
c. Giving up is never an option. But one needs to be practical about everything as well.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
The day was interesting at worst. At best, it could be defined as ecstatic. Amazing. Awesome. And the rest of the adjectives.
Keeping it in perspective, it all could lead to something substantial, or it may all end by the time we see the first week of June. But, all said and done, one thing's for certain, and that simply is that I am living a dream. A bubble. I don't want it to burst, but it would, the question is, how much does this month help me in the times to come.
I already hope and wish the time stops for sometime. The feelings the same as a sixteen year old finding his/her first love.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The last couple of days or so, there have been certain things that have made me angry, usually, not an expression I associate myself with. Probably, it has been a collection, and then in turn culmination of the events that preceded these couple of days, thats got out that reaction. Luckily, no one has borne the ire, and I have managed to keep it under wraps.
I think it would require another couple of incident free days for me to be back to...the angerless state that I was before. The good part is that I would be able to ensure that it unnecessarily does not get out, and targets people not associated with it, the not-so-good part is that I still need a couple of days.
And in the end, I really find people, who do not reply back to e-mails (notice the 's') asking pointed questions, the most courtseyless of the lot. Not replying back to phone calls could be attributed to amnesia, not answering back 'n' number of e-mails over a period of a month, reeks of an unhealthy disregard for the other person's existence and a sheer lack of respect.
However up the ladder, you are perched.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Professional Couriers - NEVER Send stuff through them
Yeah, the title of this post may sound a little bit of a frustration coming out, but currently, it is not only that, but also, steam coming out of my ears.
The story is simple. I send a package consisting of three VCDs to Chandigarh, through a courier guy in Mumbai. It never reaches its destination. Ten days later it comes back. Apparently because the address given is wrong.
I recheck the address. It is as perfect as it could be. Still, it is back in Mumbai. I go to collect it from the local courier company I had sent it to.
The three CDs have suddenly become one. The local courier guy says he has no clue, but his estimate is that whatever may have happened, would have happened at the PROFESSIONAL Courier guys at Delhi. Basically, the Professional guys had very neatly removed the two of the VCDs from the package.
I ask him about my damages.
2 CDs cost me Rs. 200. The maximum damages I am liable for is Rs. 100 according to the Professional Courier guys. So, if I had sent 10 VCDs worth 1000 bucks, I would have still got a hundred. Which is CRAP.
I am sorry, but in this day and age, this is not just crap, but also most unprofessional, unethical, unreasonable, and downright sly and amounts to cheating.
They lose me as a customer, that is for sure. And I hope some more of them.
Tagged by Veena!
Veens tagged me. It is a long tag. Or, it was a long tag when I first read it on her blog.
Then, I realised that it looked long because of the length of her answers. Reminded me of some of answers we wrote in our Macro-Economics paper.
And it was supposed to a Macro level view of Economics. What hypocrisy. Anyways, coming back to Veena...
...I will try to not let the answers to this one, go the Macro!
What Book Are You Reading: I had just about started with John Wright's 'Indian Summers' and forgot it in a friend's car. So, technically, I ain't reading anything.
Favorite Board Game: Monopoly, hands down. Scabble comes a close second. But if I were to extend the question a little, I can live on 'Teen Patti'. And there is a new Cards game I learnt last weekend. But yeah, basically, the gist of the matter is, that I like Cards.
Favorite Magazine: None in particular, but I so wish I could use the name of the Magazine I write for, Cricket Today. Aur toh koi padhta bhi nahi hoon.
Favorite Smells: Forget favourite, I can tell you the smell my system cannot accept, the 'tadka' ka smell. I go cough cough...splutter splutter splutter...gaadi bandh, everyday at 12 in the afternoon, because that is when it first engulfs my room. After that, any smell is good/favourite smell.
Favorite Sound: I love some of the voices I hear. Mitali Mukherjee is one. There is a cricket host, Mayanti Langer. And there would be some others, I cannot recollect. But yeah, basically, I like 'human sounds'.
Worst Feeling In The World: To be taken for granted...but then, I also feel that it is as much one's own responsibility as it is the other person's. Phatkey deneke to such people and move on.
What Is The First Thing You Think Of When You Wake?: It depends. Usually, the pecking order is,
a. On a match day, 'Who won the toss, and whos batting?'.
b. On a non match, weekday, 'What is the Sensex doing today?',
c. And on a weekend, when there is neither a match nor the markets...'Hey...what's the time?'
Favorite Fast Food Place: Oven Fresh, Shivaji Park, loads of good memories attached with it.
Future Child's Name: Sania...I just love the 'same name' Mirza.
Finish This Statement. "If I Had A Lot Of Money I'd" Give up on my current job and follow my dreams. Don't want to start off with what my dreams are, but the fact of the matter is, that my dreams would pay enough to lead a life, but not a luxurious one. And so, they have been suppressed for now...if I did have some more money, probably!
Do You Drive Fast?: Yeah, I drive people out of my room fast. I drive them crazy very fast. Apart from that, nothing much.
Do You Sleep With A Stuffed Animal?: You must be kidding, ain't it?
What Was Your First Car?: I shall pass till after I start earning and get it!
Favourite drink: A Tall Glass of Salted Lassi, divine!
Do You Eat The Stems On Broccoli?: I don't even eat Brocolli man.
If You Could Dye Your Hair Any Color, What Would Be Your Choice? : Black
Name All The Different Cities/Towns You Have Lived In.: Lived? I mean, what is the threshold, in terms of number of days, for it to tantamount to live? Anything more than a couple of months, it has only being Mumbai. Pune, I stayed in, for a couple of months. Visited some other cities. Period.
Favorite Sports To Watch: Cricket is an obvious. But sometimes, I like watching Hockey as well. I dislike Soccer, think it is one of the most over hyped games around. That is my view anyways.
Nice Thing About The Person Who Sent This To You: I like her blog. One of the more attractive blogs I have come across, it seems that she really likes her blog and works to make it a better place...the blog that is. Baaki, personally, toh nai jaanta!
What's Under Your Bed?: I just saw, nothing, a couple of shoelaces only.
Would You Like To Be Born As Yourself Again?: Yeah, that is no issues. I would not mind being Tom Cruise either.
Morning Person Or Night Owl?: No set rules, sleep when I get sleep, wake up when I need to. But in my frankest opinion, had it not being for the absolute necessity, I find 'Sleep' as a sheer waste of life.
Over Easy Or Sunny Side Up?: Huh? What did you say?
Favorite Place To Relax: Home, no other place like that.
Favorite Pie: A pastry person I am, no pie-shai for me.
Am I the first Veens? :-)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Cya later...aligator!
That is the end of that. Won't miss it one bit.
Time for a new inning...!
P.S. Post-grad done.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The Past
he sat alone, he looked out,
the silence was loud,
it was deafening, it blared...
he didnt notice the passing cloud.
his gaze remained distant
thoughts ebbed and fell,
dark remained the skies above
nothing his face did tell
yet it told a story...
a story so long, so deep
it had left him alone, and forlorn
into the distant past, it was a peep
his book opened, it was the first chapter
and it was all hunky dory.
and then he remembered the days...
which changed his story
the silence was suddenly shattered,
by the noise of the past,
his past, that still remained...
it was here again, here to last.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The saga continues...
As a P.S. to the previous post, today none of the electrical or electronic items worked. That is because, it requires electricity to make them do so, and just fifteen minutes before the first IPL match of the day, the same failed.
For about half an hour, nothing worked at house. Including my brain.
So, I slept off. A welcome break actually.
And then there were none...
The electronic and the electrical appliances in my house seem to have found a funny method of mocking the living daylights out of me. In the last couple of days that is.
First it was the turn of my laptop. Quite simply, it protests. every four to six hours that it. And it also believes in silent protests. It goes silent, by shutting down automatically. Without any heed to what I may be doing. Kuchh bol bhi nahi sakte usko.
The it is the turn of my Internet. Fluctuates like a moody man. (I have deliberately kept the word woman out of this, simply because I do not want any brickbats, and want to keep the mood light!). So, while there are occasions when it's slow and steady in speed, there are also others when it refuses to allow me to do stuff online. Wicked, wicked guy. Does not know how important it is to me. Or probably knows it a little too well.
Next up is the Television Cable. we have a set top box. That has started working like MS Windows. Had to restart the set top box, again and again. Till before I switched my TV off. I can still watch him show me the mocking finger. Grrrr....
Last may, there is the fan, which got filled with water due to the overhead construction work. So it refuses to work. As if getting wet in that water made it sick with cold. And even if it did, doesn't it know that if it works, it will dry itself too? Idiot I tell you.
I was actually searching around, as to what are the rest of things which could prove a little troublesome in the near future. Kaun jaaney.
And yeah, there is a huge difference between an electrical and an electronic item. This was one of my viva questions back in Engineering days, and let me assure you all, I still have no clue about the technical difference. Something related to electrons and electricity.
But hey, engineering got done some light years back. So, it is ok...
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The so called obstacle out of the way - for now - and that was followed by two big pieces of news. Unsurprisingly, both were related to cricket; one, we are seven of us going to watch the Mumbai Indians play Bangalore RCs at Wankhede, and rather surprisingly, I am the common link between all. No one knows each other!
There is a blog friend - sorry Anjuli, had to call you that - there is a school friend, a grad friend, an iSport friend, and a couple of them from MBA. So, it promises to be weirdly funny! Unfortunately, with cameras not allowed inside the stadium, it is going to be a little dampner.
Somehow, every time this plan's come up, I have not been able to resist thinking of the previous ODI that I went for to Wankhede. Shockingly, Peeya had enjoyed it, and that was much to my happiness! I wanted to move out of the stadium thinking that the match is over and the lady may get bored, and here she was, exhorting me not to leave the seat till the last ball is bowled. That is because she wanted to watch the 'cute' R.P. Singh bat! R.P. never got a chance to bat incidentally.
The second big thing that's happened, has actually not happened, but is in the process of happening, and so, will update it when it really happens. That should be in around a week's time.
That said, IPL begins tomorrow and I can barely wait. I mean, not that I am expecting too good a cricket, but the hype and hoopla surrounding the event makes it the much sought after one. The packaging has been good, now for the content. That is the question that would be on everyone's lips, would be about how well does the excitement manage to rub onto the masses in turn making the event a hit. The e-mail forwards on various IPL squads and the schedule of the same has already started circulating. I have got four such mails - which has an excel sheet attached with the same details - so far, and I am dead sure of another half a dozen till by the end of the first week.
Convocation is just under 10 days to go. Not that I am terribly excited, and based on the cricket assignments that I need finish, I may even give it a miss. But then, a convocation is another event which is probably as overhyped as IPL, and so by the same stretch of logic, I should not be 'bunking' it. Lets see, will cross the river when I come to it.
Apart from that, the last two days were spent in college. I had no option but to be there, and it was not as bad as I thought it would be. Had a nice little 'gibberish' talk session with a couple of the guys, and then was onto Brios' for coffee with another friend.
The coffee wa great, but surprisingly the electricity kept going. The last I remember, it had assumed the mantle of the disappearing act, four times, and in the end we decided to leave. For me, Brios' - in Juhu - is a better coffee shop than the other two, CCD or Barista, simply because there is a better seating arrangement than the latter. The variety, incidentally, is as good, if not better there as well.
Now for tomorrow.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Gyaan for the day...again!
Gyaan for the day...second one of the week: Whatever has to go wrong, will go wrong, but even when it does go wrong, there are 'n' number of things that could have happened, which would have been worse than whatever's gone wrong.
That is exactly what describes my last couple of days. Things and plans did go a little haywire, the first reaction was a little bit of a gloom, but then, came the above realisation. It was not as if I had been told that I got only a week to live. Or worse. And it will pass. And so will I.
So life's back to normal, and there is hope and lots of excitement.
Incidentally, IPL is less than a week away, and Mumbai Indians play their match next Sunday. The ame is going to be played at the Wankhede, and the ticket rates are a reasonable Rs.500. I am definitely going for a few matches, including this one. Anyone else, who is interested in an assured entertainment cum cricket, can let me know. We are already four of us, and more the people, merrier, funnier, and more exciting it is. Two is company, three is crowd, but at Wankhede, 40000 is fun. So, let me know!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Ajantha Mendis video!
This is for all you cricket fans who missed having watched the mystery spinner, Ajantha Mendis!
A must watch, how he's spun the ball both ways, with a googly and a doosra to boot! The video is at the end of the article here
He was incidentally the reason why I remained awake through the whole night, excitedly watching him bowl and spin his magic web over the hapless West Indian batsmen! Slept at 4 a.m. with a feverish excitement of a 14 year old lad, who has found his first love. Okay, no gay jokes please, that was meant to be an analogy, so please be kind!
Read more about him here
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Gyaan for the day: The key to achieving anything that you want and like to achieve is to never give up on trying for it. I very nearly gave up on something recently, because I was a little put off and demoralized. Some divine intervention, and I tried again...and again.
I may not have succeeded again, yet, but I am on the right track again. The rock's moved an inch, I am sure it will start rolling soon, if not soon, probably later. But it will.
With this gyaan for the day over and done with, these last few days have been of two types. One where in I have loads of writing assignments, and the others like this one, when I am a total lukkha. With the stock of the movies on my laptop extinguished, I am desperately looking forward to joining a gym/library. But again, it is my laziness that has put paid to any such aspiration. And I also just realised that this is in total contrast to my gyaan of the day.
I think I am too lazy for things that do not matter so much. Gym and library just got included in the list.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Barbeque Nation, Bandstand and laughter
Meeting some people is a pleasure, come what may. It was one such night yesterday, when I got out of the house - to meet people that is - after a long time, in fact for the first time after recovering from the illness. And meeting up the Mastek gang, gave the same feeling as one gets on seeing a hot knife go through butter....smooth! That it was fun, would be an understatement.
The place we dined was a restaurant that went by the name of Barbeque Nation. It has a very rudimentary, but reasonably useful website here. It basically is a tikka place which has tables fitted with tandoor. The tikkas are put on the tandoor by the BN guys, and get slowly roasted. One can have them as and when one needs them. And the variety is fascinating. One can sit and relax and talk over, not coffee, but tandoor! The tikkas are unlimited and then comes a buffet of dinner. This is followed by the dessert - gulab jamuns for me - which all costs a total of Rs. 500 + taxes. Not very economical, but when you talkng about six of you, laughing away to glory at virtually everything - or probably nothing - reminiscing those ol' days, sitting there for three hours, it works out okay.
Incidentally, this is in Bandra, and when one talks Bandra, one definitely looks at paying Bandstand our respects :-) So, we drove down to BS, had a coffee each - after such a heavy meal, I could not - and sat there, cotinuing to talk gibberish but yet, have a hearty laugh. So the topics varied from who sat on which desk at Mastek, to how many strands of hair remained on the PM's head when we left the company to whch bigshot got fired by whom! And each of these lines were interspersed with incessant laughter, which, as I look back, was barely necessary! But then, not everytime do you are with people you really enjoy being with, ain't it!?
Cheers to a great evening :-)
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
The wait...
The wait, sometimes, is the most excruciating part of anything.
It has been just around twelve hours for me and I am already counting down. Or up.
I shall sleep alright, that is no major concern, but tomorrow, the toss ups are going to be many. Till the thing that I want to happen, happens.
Till it doesn't it is going to be a long long day.
And if and when it does...I can safely say, it may just be the best thing to have happened to me for a long long time. Shall update whenever the whole thing is clearer.
For now, the wait, is very excruciating.
Monday, April 07, 2008
So after the weekend was spent - and so was I - in finishing the freelance assignment, the day looks much sunnier than the last two. That is because, I did not get out of my room then. Anyways, I am done!
The date of joining either the company has not yet been informed, same is the case with location. With all due respects to other people, I really hope it is NOT anything apart Mumbai or Pune, and with Pune not been one of the options, that leaves out only Mumbai. There were talks of being sent to Chennai as well, and that would be nothing short of disaster. Not because of the usual parameters one associates with the city, just that it is too far from home...too too far! And with the personal issues of being that far for something that pays equal to being at home, I would definitely prefer home.
So today, Mumbai celebrates the No-Honking day. Or is it the whole of India, am not sure. The point here been - and I talk Mumbai specifically - that the incessant noise that one hears on the streets, is not only due to honking. It can be heard each time we celebrate a festival like Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali or likes, every time, we express our happiness when the Indian team wins, every time a politician wants to address huge rallies at a Shivaji Park, each time a marriage procession wants to show us how happy they are, and yes, every time, the road is so messed up, that one's gut and the rest of the anatomy wants to travel places inside one's body, and the traffic in the city allows you to walk at a faster pace than you drive...
The problem is much more deep rooted than just that. And as I see it, has no solution to it. A no-honking day is not even a patch that one's trying to apply, it's a sham. Probably sounds a little more harsh, and cynical, but I really do not see the point. Probably someone else would.
Saturday, April 05, 2008
Internet is like a wicketkeeper, you notice it only when it stops giving you the desired service.
Now, while philosophy has never been my forte, the last two days have been a struggle with my service provider going for a bit of a snooze, ensuring my frequent trips to the cyber cafe. And if that was not enough, it was only last night that I got an assignment to write 50 cricketing articles in a period of two days for a sum of money.
Thankfully, the thing is back to functioning normally, and I can get to the work. The assignment incidentally has been slow going, have just finished with the 9th article of the 50 needed, and have used almost 5 hours. At this rate of half an hour per article, it should take me not less than 20 more hours, meaning that I shall not be sleeping much tonight!
The only solace is that I had asked for it!
Friday, April 04, 2008
Your Thinking is Concrete and Random |
You're excited by new ideas, and you are a true independent thinker. You are interested in what is possible. You like the process of discovery. You are often experimenting, challenging old ideas, and inventing new concepts. Rules, restrictions, and limit don't really work for you. You have to do things your own way, and you can't be bothered to explain yourself. |
Thursday, April 03, 2008
My Audio at iSport
This is my audio podcast on the cricket world over in the last fortnight. If you a cricket fan, do comment on the content and what you feel about the whole set of issues.
If you are not one, listen anyways, your feedback on the non cricketing bit would be very important for me.
This is the link, click here
People usually know when they have messed up something. They realise on most occasions that it could be attributed to themselves, whatever has been screwed up.
And sometimes, they dont.
I have screwed up on a couple of issues, big time. There was a past relationship, that could have been handled better, and there were a couple of other things that I think, though not entirely my wrong doing, could have been cooked better.
And then there were some behaviours that leave me as stunned as a kid in a dance bar - to use one of the Siddhuisms. These are those who exhibit a complete disregard for anything apart from the first two words of the title of this blog, and most of the times it is at the expense of something and more importantly, someone, else.
In the last one year or so, I have encountered certain such people, who have been difficult to fathom allright. Not that it is necessary to try, but it is human nature to reason out the whys and hows of anything, and what better place than this to do so. Because the only other option would have been to pay the people back in the same coin, act and stoop as low 'em and get even. And no, its just that I dislike confrontations, and from prior experiences these confrontations just turn into ugly, verbal slanging matches, with the person with a better dose of sarcasm feeling vindicated.
The point rarely, if ever, reaches through to the other person. At least, being silent over the whole issue, may just give a small food for thought about the whole issue. Not that it changes the mindsets of people, and I dont have any great illusions of that either, but adding fuel to the fire is a charade in futility.
The only flip to this kind of silence is that it could very well be perceived as one's weakness, and that is as far from truth as Anu Malik from originality. Or Rakhee Sawant from decency.
Patience and endurance, post the event, is usually not a sign of any weakness, it is a sad resignation to the fate that one grossly misjudged a person.
I did so. Like never before.
Learnt it the hard way. Again, no better way to learn too. I am really sorry that destiny made me ever encounter such people, but it was a learning curve all the way. A hard one at that.
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Race and Inside Man
Have watched a couple of movies in the last few days, Race was one, the other was viewed on my laptop, went by the name of Inside Man.
I am not a huge movie buff, for me, after spending more than ten hours a day of my free time on cricket, it is virtually impossible to be a connoisseur of movies. Add to that blogging and reading fiction, movies come a distant fourth.
Still, I enjoy a couple of genres of movies, senseless, mindless comedies for one, the other is the Abbas Mustaan style of thrillers. Basically I like suspense and thrillers, Sixth Sense is an all time favourite, 100 Days excited the living daylights out of me when I had seen it as a kiddo, but Bollywood has not been too well served with this genre. The reason could be simple, such movies can rarely be watched more than once - i.e. rewatched after knowing the suspense - and many of the people who end up watching it once have this uncanny habit and a knack of revealing the end in one way or the other. This ensures that the audiences do not throng the cinema houses as often as they would to watch SRK say 'kuchh kuchh hota hai, you are idiots and will never understand' or something to that effect.
Anyways, that was enough of a prologue for the movies that I saw. The first one was Race. I was hugely disappointed, and this could be plainly attributed to the fact that I am an Abbas Mustan fan, I like their brand of suspense, and the way their plot twists and turns all the way usually. Shockingly, audiences had not taken a liking to their previous flick, Naqaab, which I enjoyed immensely. This one though was different. Probably I expected too much out of the movie, and it failed to live up to it. My personal take on suspense movies or even books for that matter, and its USP is that it brings out the 'whodunnit' factor in the audiences, that causes them to think, review and come out with the solution as early as possible in the story. Unfortunately, this movie had a loads happening, in turn not only confusing the audiences - at least it did that to me - but also causing one to give up on thnking rationally for the suspect. I mean, I actually told Peeya, with whom I had gone for the movie that one never knows the way it is going, it could well be the neighbour's cook who could have been involved.
And mystery for the sake of mystery usually falls flat on its face. For me, it became boring beyond a certain point and I lost interest.
Contrast that to the other one I watched, Inside Man, again a thriller with the plot revolving around a bank robbery. A simple, clean movie, sharp and incisive, and one that can be watched again despite knowing the end. In fact, after having watched Race the week before, I kept looking for unnecessary turns and twists, but found none. And that heightened the experience of watching it.
I did watch another one, Cruel Intentions, but that was in fits and starts and hence I could not really enjoy it too much.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
'Bandra Shopping'
Now, I don't live under the pretensions of being a shopoholic, but I am a patient co-shopper. I can stand for times without end - eternity in short - and assist with opinions and advice, till it is not shopping for myself. For myself, the whole process ends in a jiffy, think, select, pay, buy. A simple, four step process.
Without meaning to sound sexist, it does take a little more than that, amongst most of the women I have been shopping with. Which is okay, given that not everyone can be the same. But what happened last week, took the cake, and beat the living daylights out of the so-called patience levels I normally exude. So-called I say, because I realised then, that either my co-shopper needs some serious shopping advice, or I need Dabur Glucose Energy. Or Boost. Or whatever.
I was out for what she calls, 'Bandra Shopping'. She is X. I am naming her X as well.
So X takes me along with her for Bandra shopping which is defined as roaming on the streets of Linking Road, window shopping in windowless shacks, bargaining and haggling and involving co-shoppers for the same, not buying anything in the end, and most importantly, not entering a single shop whose turnover would be anything more than a thousand bucks a day. Which was the good part. The not so good one was when X actually decided to buy something.
That should have sent my alarm bells ringing and warned me. The dimwit that I am, I got real excited instead, X is actually going to buy. BUY from Linking Road.
So we reach the two way linking road, one that goes from Bandra to Mahim, the other that goes in the other directions. The shopping item(s) were ear rings and Osho Slippers. Under normal atmospheric conditions both these entitities can be obtained from the road that leads us from Mahim to Bandra. That fateful day, it was different.
Some BMC van had ensured that the hawkers had ben dispersed on all the sides of both the roads, ensuring that shopping may just not be easy. So here we are, on one side of the road, trying to search for the Osho guy, but finding nobody. Someone says he would be on the other side of the road. So, we attempt to cross the road. For simplicity, this was our first attempt, count the rest of 'em if you want to. Also, for people who are not too well versed with this portion of the Linking Road, crossing it is can generally be included as one of the tasks of a 'Who Dares Win' or a 'Roadies' Game show, and it could end up in a tough competition.
So, with a great difficulty we reach the other end, when Madam X decides to not buy Oshos at all, because she would have no space to carry them home - which incidentally is not Mumbai. She instead decides to have Pani Puri. I wait.
We cross back, because the ear rings are found on the previous side. We search for this man, and success kisses our feet. The guy is actually there, and Madam X maanges to settle for one pair of cute ear rings worth ten bucks. The only problem is that she finds it costly. Especially given that she is planning to buy two sets. Twenty bucks is damn expensive and she needs to haggle. The guy looks at her like she is a first. Madam X looks at him like he is not only the first, but has quoted a price thousand percentage above what he should have. The staring match lasts for a couple of minutes, after which the bargaining actually starts.
I join in after some time. For kicks. On my backside.
They settle at 18. At least she is happy. Little do I know that while one hemisphere of her brain was bargaining with the man, the other part was getting enticed into actually buying an Osho. So here we go, re cross the road to get to the other side. Thankfully, Oshos come at a fixed price, fifty bucks, and so, no bargaining transpires. Choice of the colour straps of the Oshos is a different matter though. Men may be deemed colour blind, but how would a dark blue on the thin strap of an Osho differ from a black is beyond me. The seller had only black straps, Madam X wanted dark bavy blue. Ten minutes into roaming on that side of the road, we get a blue. She buys two pairs.
Thank God for small mercies.
We cross back. Shopping seems to be done. This is when I the realisation dawns upon me that I am light years away from truth. And from home. Madam X decides that black straps on Osho may not be 'cool' for her, but it should do for her friends back home. So, here we go again. Back to the same guy across the road to search for the best fit black. This part takes barely anytime, what does is the fact that the hawkers who had gone into hiding - from the BMC Van that passed every couple of days - had returned on the other side. Which meant only one thing....
...more shopping, and crossing of roads.
An hour and a half later, at the end of the whole exercise, we had two pair of ear rings, a couple of Oshos and some very important lessons to take home. The first two were taken home by Madam X, the last bit - that came for free - by me.
P.S. Dropped P to the airport this morning and it was some weather in that wee hour of the morning. Almost as cold as a winter day in the North. Almost. And for a change, the city looked beautiful, not a word one normally associates with Mumbai.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Relaxing at Goa
That is me...relaxing away to glory, free from the cares of life and with a sip of pure pineapple juice (probably with a little preservatives as well!). What you cannot see is a plate of Chilli Chicken and Fried Prawns. The only regret is that I missed out on Sehwag blazing away to his triple ton. :-(
More pictures to follow soon, need to reduce the size for the uploading.
The picture below is next to a small pond on the Majorda Beach. Yeah, it is not sea, but a pond.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Tagged by Rahul
Blogging is such an adiction that, the first thing I do after getting back from Goa is some of the same. I shall obviously post my Goa experience in the posts to come, but before that, there is tag to execute, sent by Rahul.
Rahul's tags rules read "The rules read--- Post 5 links to 5 of your previously written posts. The posts have to relate to the 5 keywords given (family, friends, yourself, your love, and anything you like). Tag 5 other friends to do the same. Try to tag at least 2 new acquaintances (if not, your current blog buddies will do) so that you get to know them each a little bit better."
Here goes:
Something about me: My Back to the Wall - A Poem
Slippery Soaps and k Soaps: K-Soaps
Favourite Movie: Sivaji??
Happy me: Friend's engagement
Delhi...oh Delhi! : And they say Mumbai's bad!
It kind of became difficult for me to choose amongst 210 odd posts, so chose the first five that I saw. Will tag further soon, now need to catch up on my much vaunted sleep.
Sehwag and the rest of the Indian inning beckons.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
'Premonition', the Movie.
So, after the book, comes the movie. A movie that goes by the name of 'Premonition'. And when you want to watch such a movie alone, at 1 a.m. in the night, then you better be ready to feel goosebumps, while and after the movie.
As I still am.
It is a spooky movie alrite, and that is an understatement. Without really getting into the exact storyline, it is about a lady who experiences her days in a haphazard order. So, a Thurday is followed by a Monday and so on.
The problem with this is that there are days she already knows what is going to happen, where as there are some days, which everyone else around her knows what happened, but she does not. Simply because she has not experienced that day in her life.
So, while other people's life goes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.....Sunday, hers goes in some arbit fashion. So, while the rest are experiencing a Tuesday after having experienced a Monday, she would be - for example - experiencing Tuesday, after having experienced a Thursday. So while she knows what is going to happen next and the rest do not, she does not know what happened on Monday and that surprises people.
The end, like my previous book, was a little out of place, but then, the movie does its job of delivering what it is supposed to. And it is a quick paced movie.
Sandra Bullock is the actress, and she, according to me, has taken to the role like a duck to water. The younger daughter of Bullock is exteremely cute.
This movie is for those who like to spook themselves by watching such stuff. Back home, there was a point in time when the Hindi serial, Aahat, was not a horror show, but a combination of chilling episodes of the culmination of coincidences and surprises. For those, who cannot watch the movie, for obvious reasons, you can get the whole story - from start to finish - on Wikipedia.
Just search for 'Premonition' the movie.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
So the much vaunted party in town, at Enigma, and I give it a miss. They say farewell parties do not come back. I say bullshit.
Anyways, my reason were totally different. In fact there was a huge, long list, the most straightforward of 'em all was that I had yet to recover from the bout of my dehydration. The rest of 'em are not worth mentioning. Unfortunately, the two plans for Friday, that I was looking forward to, get cancelled as well.
So, now it is on to the Saturday for its plan to work. A nice little dinner at some place in South Mumbai. Simply because a walk by Marine Drive is a must after the dinner. The sore throat may prohibit the 'malai vanilla with mango pieces' at Naturals' but will scoop a teaspoon or two when no-one's looking.
The last two days have been spent in reading up a Steve Martini book - even I had not heard of this author before I randomly pulled this one out - called Double Tap. Good book, but a little abrupt end. Builts up really well, but ends when one would have wanted it to show some more twists and turns. It has been some time since I read a fiction - a non cricket related one - and hence the experience was satisfying. Planning to get a couple more before they give me my degree certificate and throw me out of the college, and lock me up from the huge college library.
Which brings me to a little deviation. There is always a thin line between being an eternal optimist and acting like a pure idiot. Coincidentally, I have been fortunate to hold conversations with either varieties. I have known both for some time now, and the difference between the two is simple, the optimist, apart from being an optimist, has a backup plan for his plan A, lest plan A fails. But he does not lose his optimism with Plan A. The problem with the idiot is that only does he not have a backup, but he also thinks that his plan A can NEVER go wrong, and is totally optimistic about this fact.
Unfortunately, plans also follow Murphy's law of going wrong whenever it has to go wrong. And that is when the difference between the above two varieties of people becomes more apparent.
There is a third variety of people, whom I have already spoken about in some previous posts, but to make a mention of the same, who never think they can ever be wrong. Even after Plans A, B, C...have acted fruitless.
I frankly have no name for such people, and prefer to leave the people alone, in their own well. Frogs are ugly, as it is.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The excitement of going to Goa can only be matched by one other thing. The announcement of the dates for viva, a date which could have modified or 'deleted' the plans altogether!
So for now, unless the date for the exam shifts for some inexplicable reason, Goa is on.
In the meantime, with the rest of the stuff meeting its rightful end, the seminars, workshops and exams, the last couple of days have been spent in conjuring up a couple of articles for the magazine I write for. And now the next one is going to be for the website. Friday may be dedicated for the trek, Saturday for a nightout with friends, followed by the viva and Goa.
Tough hectic week ahead eh!
The other day I get an sms from an unknown number.
"Wasssssssup Suneer?"
"Assi doing fine jee, but tu kone?"
"Rishtey may toh hum tumhaare baap, naam hai XYZ"
That is so much like him. Arbit, random phone calls, smses or e-mails. And once you reply to 'em, no more responses! This exchange of volleys has been happening for the past five years now, so, any random messages can mean only one thing. XYZ is back in town.
XYZ has another story attached to him. Final year BE. The guy gets a final call from one of the IIMs, and the joining date is June end. His final semester vivas are not done. Requests the prinicipal to advance 'em. Principal refuses. The guy does not join the IIM.
Then comes the next year. Fills up the CAT form again. Disappears out of the country a week before the exam to Canada. Does not take the test. And that is the year when the CAT papers leak. There is a re-exam held in February. Our man comes back like Rajnikanth does in many of his movies after taking a bullet on his chest. Takes the CAT. Passes with flying colours.
Gets through to IIML! Some people!
Monday, March 17, 2008
All submissions done. Khallas. Feeneees.
Or as I love saying, that is the end of that!
So, as some know, I have been lying low for the past three days or so. It began with the back, and by the time my back was back to functioning normally, I realised that it had camouflaged one bigger illness. Dehydration. Caused due to the Mumbai heat, that has begun to make its presence felt, as it always does when people like me began to enjoy the so-called Mumbai winter; like a wife so jealous of her husband's cricket watching habits. Or whatever else.
So, the last two days have been spent in overcoming this dehydration problem. Amidst all of that the obvious villain has been college, which I have had to visit on four of the last five days. Which is 80% more than what my attendance was over the last two months. Add to that, today's excursions from Mahim to Parle, to Mahim, to Bandra and then back to Mahim, with a strong possibility of a Shivaji Park next up in the evening, and it just could mean more recovery time needed for me.
But the day was good. End of submissions was obviously a huge plus, and apart from that, I met up with two different entities, one by design, the other, as it so often happens in a place like Bandra. You end up bumping into people you very well know. That is what precisely happened.
The first set of friends I met were from Pagalguy, met one of them for the first time, and it was a nice little discussion on - what else - but cricket. But even before the three of us met, I managed to bump into a very old acquiantance of mine, after a gap of almost four years. She was a college junior, and belonged to the category 'f' of this. Anyways, that was for a very short period of about a month or so and then, moved onto next.
We have been in touch after that through the usual social networking sites, but, thats about it. Never met. And so, it was good to see her, and even better to hear that she had become a professor in our former college - TSEC - she looks and acts like one anyways. Incidentally, she was with her better half - or probably to complicate it a little, she was with someone, for whom she was the better half - and again, made for a nice viewing! The coincidence was that it was her birthday today, and this I remembered when I saw a bouquet in her hand. I also remembered that I had wished her on her birthday, five years back, never before or after that.
Nostalgia had stuck. As it has this habit of striking at places and times one least expects it to. I could see my college - TSEC, which is in Bandra too - sticking out its face in the background. The memories flashed through my mind like a Brett Lee delivery does past a hapless batsman. Today was my last submission at my current college, some years back, there was a day when I had had a final submission for this college too.
Time had flown. It had began like a river waves rustling down it's course, slowly and steadily, then meeting the ocean and then acquiring the pace and fervour to leave the river behind.
That had been the end of that.
Nostalgia is a good thing sometime.
P.S. Incidentally, I realised that I have completed 200 posts on this Blog. This is the 202nd one. Did not expect me to be that regular when I first started!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
After the storm, comes another storm!
Under normal circumstances, there are a couple of things that may just have bothered me enough to be called irritations of life. But thanks to the hectic schedule of the previous week, and the fact that it may just get a little more hectic in the next few days, has helped in pulling the mind away from the issue.
It is not as if the issue has been swept under the carpet, in fact, it is quite contrary. I have faced it head on, and that has obviously led me to become a little fuzzy headed. The good news obviously is that there are just too many activities left to be done, which mean that more than 90% of my 'thinking time' is diverted from the so-called predicament.
Anyways, moving on, the Goa plan looks in jeopardy, due to some unreasonable viva that has been suddenly announced by the college for a project submission during the same set of days. The whole batch seems to be in no mood to budge, and there is a smell of revolt in the air. This one is going to be interesting, how it pans out.
And then there was a small incident to end this one. A close friend of mine, had a bad throat overnight. She had one teaspoon too many of Benadryl, and the results were startling. The lady, who usually wakes up by 10 in the morning, ended up sleeping till 1.30 p.m. If this was not enough, her cell phone ringer was turned to a mode that one usually expects morally upright citizens to turn to in a movie hall. Silent.
So many missed calls and smses later, it was a bout of tension for a lot of the people around her, when she finally did call, her first question was, "Suneer, what is the time?" Dear, I should be the one who should have been asking this one, what on earth is the time buddy! One frikking thirty! And it was just a bottle of benadryl, not six and a half shots of tequila that we are talking about! Some people....!
Some day it was.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Played cricket today. The cricket I used to play as a 16 year old.
The cricket was brash and rash at the same time, with no regards to the fact that the body has changed over a period of years.
The result was not totally unexpected, but it probably was not seen coming. The bone on the left side of my lower back strained. Now, because I am no physiotherapist, I may have even used the word 'pull', unfortunately, bones do not get pulled. They either break, or strain. My bone's definitely not broken. But it is much more than a normal strain.
I cannot walk without a limp. I can certainly not climb stairs. And...I can definitely not play more cricket, till I sleep on this one, and gauge it tomorrow. It hurts...not the pain...but the thought of my plans going for a toss. Funny, that this happened in the first fifteen minutes of the game, I continued for another 90 minutes but the effect's showing up only now.
To overcome the pain, managed to catch the episode of Roadies, interpersed between the ICL T20 match. Unfortunately, both the programs did not manage to ignite the any kind of balm, for me to feel distracted. Blogging does help obviously, but only so much.
It is going to be an early sack hitting for me tonite.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
A Long day...and an equally long post!
There is only one way I can describe myself currently.
Exhausted. Bone tired. Sleep hungry. And so on.
Alrite, that was more than one way. Happens all the time.
So, the sleep yesterday night, deserted me like Tendulkar usually does in the finals of major tournaments. And by the time, it did come to me, it was my turn to shoo it away. Time to wake up.
I have almost been out of touch with sitting through boring 90 minute lectures for almost three months now, and when I realised that today was going to be one of the two days, when I had sit through 8 hours of classroom training, my reaction was anything but pleasant. The training was quite a surprise though. While I cannot really say that the eight hours passed like a jiffy, they were certainly not boring, as one would have expected.
Full credit to the trainer - who incidentally will continue the same tomorrow - and to some of the wisecracks that all of us manage to find at the right time ensuring continuing smiles, giggles, laughters and even uproars sometime.
But by the time the class ended, it was a sense of relief to most of us, especially to me. Because that meant I could get one half of my submission done, and then rush away to a close friend's reception.
Now, this is a second marriage, in six months, of a close enough friend I have been to, wherein I have been the only person from that particular group of his/her. So, it has been quite a something to be sitting alone, observing (I shall avoid the use of the word 'checking out' because of the negative connotations associated with it) all the people in the party, for at least a couple of hours, and waiting for the white aproned guy with a snackky dish on him to understand that I aint no gate crasher, and offer me something. But it is some experience.
Today it could just have gone one step further. I had to get to the hotel directly from the college, and that meant that, not only my shoulders carried a laptop weighing more than 6 pounds, but also a gift that amassed another four. Now, with no disrespect to "who cares about the world" attitude, it just doesn't look too nice to wear a laptop bag - which looks no less than a trekking one - and get onto the stage and greet the couple. My personal opinion is that it is a strict no-no.
So the only other option I had was to keep the bag somewhere before I could meet the couple. And unfortunately, with a laptop inside it, nonbody - absolutely nobody - was ready to take any responsibility for it. Sigh. It was only after repeated assurances and pleadings that the bar tender looked at me in sympathy and said something to the effect of, "You owe me a drink for this one dood."
And I thought he was the barman.
This friend M, and me have been together since my days at Mastek. And the common thread that linked us together was our Java skills. Or the lack of them anyways. So our trainer, who was another M - lets name him an M2 - would ensure that we got our daily dose of lesson, both, in the literal and figurative sense of the word. I remember this one conversation with M2, that went like this. The words in the brackets are lines that were left unsaid by us.
M2: You know nothing of Java. (Why are you even alive. Or in this company anyways)
S: Sorry M2, you know my background was not exactly computers, so.... (and you smart assed trainer, why don't you meet me in the ring - a la Hayden ishhtyle - or better still on a cricket ground?)
M2: Are you married? (like I care, whether you are married or a piece of depressed s***)
S: No M2, obviously not. (You idiot, I am all of 21, just graduated, getting screwed by you and your Java, and you ask me personal questions. )
M2: Then why don't you stay in office for a longer time? (Didn't your mamma tell you that hard work only pays off in the long run)
S: But M2, I went home at 730 yesterday, and 8 on the day before that. (And unlike you, I have a life beyond this office.)
M2: I think I will have to make a time table for you.
S: Huh? (Next you will tell me you would want to feed me milk in a bottle. Who do you think you are, a railway master? Time bloody table)
M2: Yeah, you got me right. Time table. So, temme what time do you come to office generally? (ab bajaata hoon teri band)
S: 9.30 am. Just like everyone else. (I should have done my MBA. Or MS. Or probably even MBBS.)
M2: Yeah, so now listen me out. Come at 930, attend the entire training, and try to code yourself. Once people leave by 6, you can take your break (and say thanks for allowing you to take it), and then restart coding by 615, work till dinner time in office which is 830, revising what has been taught before.
S: Ok, and then leave for home? (Now, he will soon tell me to cross my hands and put fingers on my lips. I just told him I am 21, he seems to have forgotten the 2)
M2: You kidding? (I told you he acts like a kid sometimes. I really wish I had a bottle of milk that I would have thrust in his mouth). Post dinner, take up the exercise discussed and finish it off till before the gates of SEEPZ close - which happened at midnight then - and leave for home.
S:.................... (I am obliged towards you, you actually allowing me to go home that early. Thank you from the bottom of my heart)
M2: Yeah, and then next day, to revise all that, you can try coming to office a little earlier as well. (You better come early or else....)
S: Would 9 do? (I am not coming before noon, fuhhhget nine)
M2: I was thinking more on the lines of 7. But 730 should be fine.
S: (I really wish I was married, at least I would not have got to hear this)
M2: See, I dont think it is too difficult, I am married and I follow this schedule, why can't you?
S: (If only one murder was forgiven in this land, just one. Please.)
That was the end of that. A real life conversation. Luckily I didnt survive that training for a long time, before I was thrown into a project. And didnt meet M2 for another 2 years. M1 - the guy who got married today - has equally fond memories of M2, and hopefully would pen them down sometime.
But before I left the training, there was a mandatory 360 degree feedback session with him, in which I had to give him a feedback. That, was another story. Probably for some other time.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
A long day.
The next four days are going to be full of action *groan*, something I could do without. Especially after a 'honeymoon' period of two LONG months. Now, this is replaced by two equally long DAYS of some workshops. Why. I need a break.
Spoke to an old friend of mine as well, S, after almost four years and it was good. Not that we were too close earlier, but, it always feels good to catch up. SO, had a nice little conversation with the friend, and though I wish hard that I could talk about a couple of goofups, I can't :-(
But even before that, I had a friend over from Pune, who had stopped at Mumbai enroute Delhi. It was an almost six hour stopover, and again, was good fun, meeting and discussing some hard core cricket - with due respects to many others - chomping away to a Smokin' Joes pizza, a Chicken Meat Feast. Divine.
If I am not too off the mark, Smokin' Joes does not have too many outlets through out the country, in fact, Mumbai and Pune seen to be its only cities. And as I just check it, SJ has grown to have 52 outlets now, through the country, that includes about 10 cities. The point here been that I have grown up to enjoy it so much that I cannot think of a Domino's or anything other than SJ. I mean, Pizza Hut is nice when you want to have a nice, peaceful time there, and enjoy the ambience as well. But for home delivery, I have not been able to overcome SJ. And very frankly, Domino's messes up its pizzas with a bad powdery, crust, so much so that after having one, the feeling my fingers give me is that I have just had a badly prepared tava roti!
And now, sigh, back to the project. Yawn. Groan. And all those know.
Bad Jokes, Incessant Laughters and a Recipe!
It was a day of high adrenaline rush. Went to college after nearly forty days and met up with some guys. Relived some cobra jokes, the best of which was this one...
A: You done with your project report
B: Yeah, I had submitted the Project Title on time, and now I am gonna submit the Project Report in time as well. I am not gonna lose marks for late submission
A: You seem to have come under the influence of the CPI and CPM Parties, you have become a Marxist...started thinking of Marks!
Out of the ground. No chance for any fielder to catch that one!
This was followed by the Quiz that I hosted, and this time, it was my chance to laugh myself pink. Some silly question, I just could not stop laughing in front of an audience of fifty people.
Everyone waits patiently. Seconds passed and became minutes, but I never stop. Three minutes later, I - remember I am still the quizmaster - am shaken out of my reverie. Yeah, that was a fit of laughter at the most inopportune time, uncontrollable, uninhibited laughter. Some quizmaster eh!?
Another plan in the meantime gets hatched, this time, planning to go to a place in Neral. So, if things go as planned this month, it is Neral next week, followed by Goa. Guys, there is a 'Suneer Relief Fund' which I have launched, so kindly pop in a big note or two in it. Need it bad :-)
And o end this piece, I shall repeat what I said to Miss. Lunacy. I had recommended a dish to her, and this was something I used to have a lot when I was alone for a period of two months, away from the family. I had told this to another close friend of mine, N, and she asked me to put it down on the blog and patent it as quickly as possible, before someone copies it (!!??!!)
So here goes, put a slice of cheese between two slices of bread. To add to this, put a couple to three pieces of dairy milk chocolate or chocolate sauce between the slices of bread. Heat it - but be careful not to burn the sauce - and your chocolate n cheese sandwich is ready. But this is not all. Prepare the non-rice-noodle Maggi - the original one - and serve it hot with hot, chilli sauce, and have it with the choco-cheese sandwich.
Believe you me, it is yum! Take my word and try it once!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Tagged by Veenz
I have been tagged again, this time by Veenz...!
The title of the tag was supposed to be seven random things about me, which was then modified to seven weird things about oneself by Veenz.
Assuming that theres hardly anything left to be spoken about me, I will stick to the previous one, random things...and if they turn out to be weird, so be it. Its like "Do Shikaari ek Shikaar karte hain." :-P
1. There was a point in time, when my voice sounded exactly like my dad's. People couldn't distinguish, not only our hellos, but also our conversations. To give you a parallel analogy, it was like meeting a set Siamese of twins for the first time and not know whom you are talking, Appoo or Pappoo. A very close friend of mine called me up, and wanted me to help her get her talking to a guy. Unfortunately, my dad picked up, and for fifteen minutes, all my dad did was to explain her that it was not Suneer who is on line but his dad. She thought I was playing a prank, as I usually did then, and kept saying, "Suneer, shut up, eough is enough, I wanted to talk about that guy...." And my dad kept saying, "Suneer's not at home...." This was almost eleven years ago, and she still goes pink in embarassment when my dad reminds her of that incident. Fortunately, there have been many others who have borne the brunt.
2. The last time I cried on seeing the Indian cricket team lose was when I was in Vth, when India lost a Test to South Africa. I went on to think that my life has so many problems, studies, crushes and watching India lose.
I don't know why.
3. When I was in VIIIth, I was, what our school called it then, a Member of Parliament. I think it would be an equivalent of a Head Boy or something. They - rest of the students - said, I was pretty strict and a disciplinarian, and complained to the class prof. I resigned after that in huff. Typically political naah!?
4. I needed to go to my friend's house once. His colony was huge, and instead of going to his block - which was G - I entered the F block. As luck would have it, the name plate in that block had an entry against my friend's name. Without thinking twice, I rung the bell. The door was opened by people I did not recognise.
"Err, aunty is S at home?"
Now, remember, S is my friend's name, and by sheer coincidence, S was also this house owner's name.
"Naah beta, S has gone to work."
WORK??? S has started working? We are all in our second year of graduation, and this guy has already started working without telling us. I break myself out of my reverie.
"Working aunty? Where?" Remember, I am standing in front of an unknown person, and I have just asked, where does her son work. Awesome.
"Same place he has been working for the last four years." A totally confused lady in front of me. I am even more so.
I realised something was fishy. I ask again, "Aunty is this SK's house?" I use the surname this time.
She looks at me, yes, it is SK's house. Yeah, so there were two SKs in that colony. It took another couple of minutes for this to hit me.
"Ok aunty. Sorry, I think I am looking at a very thin looking student by the name of SK."
"Aah, I think you should try the next block then."
Little did I realise that the name on the name plate, should not have been my friend's, but his parents'. My friends were is splits later, but till date think I was kidding about the incident. I am not!
5. It usually takes a lot for people to get me to swear at 'em.
6. I am generally a strong believer in the maxim, "To each, his/her own."
7. A month or two before my XIIth Boards, I had adjusted my study time table around the Indian cricket team's trip to New Zealand, where the matches would begun at 3 a.m. IST. By the end of tour, my body clock was so badly messed up, that I thought I am going to end up screwing my Board examinations.
Done Veenajee!
Took me some time thinking of all these incidents. It was like cleaning my cobwebs away! Now I shall soon tag some others.
Monday, March 10, 2008
KPS Gill, the Indian Hockey F***** (IHF)
This one is for the people who know that Hockey is - apparently - our National Sport.
Switched on the news today, and there was a half hour special dedicated to hockey, the aftermath of India's ouster from the Olympic qualifier, without qualifying for the Olympics for the first time in eighty years.
The funny part came in the form of the ticker headlines that came next:
First to come,
Indian coach Joaquim Carvalho resigns from the job because he feels that....blah blah....blah.
Next one that came was,
Vice President of the Hockey Federation, some Mr. Batra also resigns, as he thinks that....more blah....
The last one takes the cake,
KPS Gill won't quit, just like he hasn't been quitting over the last fourteen years. Indian Hockey is not instant coffee that you start winning overnight.
I think he also said, it's only after losing that one starts winning. Err...touch of Shahrukh Khan here....haar ke jeetne waaley ko Baazigar kehete hain.
Unfortunately for KPS Gill, SRK had three hours to lose race, win heart, dance around the trees with big, fat specs and Shilpa Shetty and Kajol, kill Madan Chopra, laugh incessantly and himself die.
KPS has had fourteen....years to do a lot less. He's only managed to screw, the Indian Hockey. And the man still has the audacity to say, "There is no question of quitting, I shall answer when the time is right."
Huh? You mean after India fails to qualify for the next Asian Games as well? Come on, give us all a break KPS, get out of that seat and blood a new guy to replace you. It is a plea from someone who does not watch any other sport except cricket.
I want to start enjoying our National Sport too, KPS. Please allow me to.
Please KPS (in the style of that small daughter who begs her father for drawing, in the Airtel Ad.) Show us the stars KPS.